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  There are two conflicting stereotypes when it comes to the activity levels of the wealthy.


  There is the populist version: the fat cat sitting lazily on his yacht or Palm Beach, Fla., veranda. Then there is the conservative version: the hyper-kinetic workaholic that would rather dream of new business than sleep.


  Neither is a complete portrait; both exist in reality. But a new study suggests the affluent may, overall, be better rested than the rest of America.


  A new Gallup-Healthways survey found that 28% of individuals with incomes of 90,000 or more said they didn't feel well-rested yesterday. That is below than the 35% of those with incomes of less than 24,000.

  盖洛普公司(Gallup Organization, Inc.)和健康管理公司Healthways的联合调查发现,年收入不少于9万美元的人群中,有28%的人说自己感觉昨天没有休息好。而年收入低于2.4万元的人群中,这一比例是35%。

  What explains the difference? The nonwealthy probably stay up at night worrying about money. "Any of a wide range of factors that are correlated with income could have influenced lower income Americans' reports of not feeling well-rested the day before the survey," the report says. "These factors include, among others, greater daily stress, greater financial worry, lower job satisfaction, and poorer physical health compared with wealthier respondents."


  Still, I'm not sure the data would hold if it went higher up the wealth ladder. From my reporting, the very rich can be just as stressed out and sleepless than the merely affluent-if not more so, what with all those companies to run, people to manage, bills to pay, charities to support, homes to keep up and feckless cousins to bail out.


  Not that we should pity their high-price hyperactivity. But, I don't think more money necessarily leads to more rest.


  Do you think the wealthy are better rested?




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