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  • 雅思阅读材料:为什么有人直发有人是卷发

    Hair is curly or straight, depending upon the number of disulfide bonds between hair proteins found in the hair shaft(毛干). The greater the number of links, the curlier the hair, and the fewer the number of links, the straighter the... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读材料大集合:人变胖是什么原理

    The discovery of the obesity gene in humans half a decade ago offered evidence that chronic weight gain is the consequence of a mismatch between nature and nurture. Simplistic explanations, such as blaming obesity on a drop in fat consumpti... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读材料:西红柿应该买什么样的

    An international standard for tomatoes has been adopted, ending about seven years of intense debates between countries on what qualifies as a proper tomato. According to the new standard, tomatoes may come in one of four varieties: round, r... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读材料:真正的男人是会流泪的

    Young, single men are fed up with being typecast as immature, insensitive and sex-obsessed, with a survey finding that the majority believe in having a soul mate, arent scared of commitment, and say real men can cry.A poll of 70,000 men wit... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读材料:穷人更容易发胖

    The South tips the scales again as the nations fattest region, according to a new government survey. More than 30 percent of adults in Mississippi, Alabama and Tennessee are considered obese. In part, experts blame Southern eating habits, p... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读材料:为什么好心没好报

    When Kent M. Keith was a Cub Scout in the 1950s, he had a great urge to do good deeds and pile up merit badges. Was it altruism? Ambition? A chance to feel better about himself? Was he really making a difference? One day, his father set him... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读材料:胡萝卜也能抗癌

    Scientists found boiled before cut carrots contained 25% more of the anti-cancer compound falcarinol than those chopped up first. 科学家发现,煮之前依旧完整的胡萝卜中所含的抗癌成分镰叶芹醇元素,要比被切过的... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读材料:养藏獒是中国富人的象征

    Chinas latest must-have luxury for the ultra-rich, to go with mansions and sports cars, is a large, slobbery dog with massive amounts of hair best known for herding sheep in . 对中国的富人来说,除了豪宅和跑车,的品就是拥... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读材料:沙发漫游族

    近年来,旅游作为一种潮流的生活方式,越来越受到年轻人的酷爱。然而,经济上的拮据,往往让年轻人的美好愿望难以实现。因此,一种新型的通过网络交换住宿的时尚旅游方式逐渐... 详情>>


  • 剑桥雅思阅读同义词转换——剑四test1

    Cambridge 4 TEST 1 1. ignore=pay no attention=not pay any attention=take no notice=not take any notice忽略,无视 v. 2. encounter=face=confront=meet遇见,遭遇v. 3. mistaken view=misconception错误的观点n. 4. easy to reach=acces... 详情>>


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