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  • 雅思听力高频词汇(六)

    1、Sculpture 释义n. the art of making figures, objects, etc. by carving wood or stone, shaping clay, making metal casts, etc.雕刻,雕塑; a work or works made in this way雕刻品 v. to represent(sb./sth.) in sculpture; to make(... 详情>>


  • 雅思听力高频词汇(七)

    1、Surname 释义n.a name shared by all the members of a family姓(在英语中一般位于最后) 词根sur(在……上)+name(名字)→在名字上面→姓 例句Its ANNE and her surname is spelt R-E-A.(IELTS3,T3,L3)是... 详情>>


  • 雅思听力高频词汇(八)

    1、File 释义n. any of various types of drawer, shelf, holder, cover, box, etc, usu. with a wire or metal rod for keeping loose papers together and in order, for reference purposes文件架, 卷宗; 纵列 v. to place sth. in afile; s... 详情>>


  • 雅思听力高频词汇(九)

    1、Budget 释义n. an estimate or a plan of how money will be spent over a period of time, in relation to the amount of money available预算;an annual government statement of a countrys expenditure and how it will be financed政府预算案... 详情>>


  • 雅思听力高频词汇(十)

    1、Module 释义n. a unit, esp. of a computer or computer program, that has a particular function模件,模块;an independent self-contained unit of a spacecraft登月舱, 指令舱 例句And each module lasts for one term,about tw... 详情>>


  • 雅思听力高频词汇(十一)

    1、Cater 释义v.to provide food and services,esp.at social functions提供饮食及服务 派生catering n.餐饮业caterer n.备办食物者 搭配cater to/for满足,迎合 例句Does it cater for special diets(IELTS6,T1,L3)它提供... 详情>>


  • 雅思听力高频词汇(十二)

    1、Layout 释义:n.the act or an instance of laying out布局,安排,设计 联想:来自词组layout布置,安排 例句:Obviously,the noise factor will have to be taken into consideration with the layout of the houses.(IELT... 详情>>


  • 雅思听力高频词汇(十三)

    1、Crowded 释义:adj.having(too)many people拥挤的,塞满的 例句:Houses were crowded closely together and usually very badly built.(IELTS6,T1,L4) 房子是挤在一块的,而且通常建得很糟糕。 2、Yoga 释义... 详情>>


  • 不能错过的雅思听力题型浅析

    雅思听力题型一:填空题 题量:一般在20道题以上,容易出现在section1和section4部分,是听力中的重点题型,难度中等 雅思听力出题特点: 1.考察中低难度的单词拼写,过于专业学术词... 详情>>


  • 雅思听力有那些易混淆的发音

    考生存在发硬盲点,辨音出现困难,主要表现为两个放你那,一是语音的掌握,另一方面同音词汇的辨别与使用。倘若考生对各种语音不熟悉,那么听力考试的难度就大大增加了,不但... 详情>>


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