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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享


  释义n. an estimate or a plan of how money will be spent over a period of time, in relation to the amount of money available预算;an annual government statement of a country's expenditure and how it will be financed政府预算案;the amount of money needed or allotted for a specific purpose预算额,经费 v. to plan the spending of or provide(money) in a budget制定预算,安排开支等

  同义 governmental estimate, fiscal estimate

  例句 I think for that kind of distance, a cab would be way

  beyond my budget. (IELTS7,T1,L1)对于那样的距离, 我觉得, 打的将会超出我的预算。


  释义 n. (pl. shelves) aflat rectangular piece of wood, metal, glass or other material fastened horizontally to a wall or in a cupboard, bookcase, etc. for things to be placed on搁板; a thing resembling a shelf, esp. a piece of rock projecting from a cliff, etc. or from the edge of a mass of land under the sea架子;天然形成的架状物,(尤指海底的)暗礁、 大陆架

  例句 The articles do not need to be returned to the shelves.



  释义 n. a substance that is not vegetable or animal, esp. one with a constant chemical composition which is found naturally in the earth 矿物,矿石,矿藏

  例句 Bitterness, he says, alerts us of toxins in the food, while sourness warns us of spoilage and saltiness signals the presence of minerals. (IELTS7,T4,L4)他说,苦味使我们警惕食物中的毒素,酸味提醒我们食物腐坏,而咸味表明矿物质的存在。



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