1. Do you like going boating? 2. Have you ever travelled by boat? 3. Would you like to have your own boat? 4. Is boat trip popular in your country? 5. Do you often travel by boat? 6. Where in your country do people most often use/travel by... 详情>>
雅思口语相关话题: 1. Do you like animals? 2. Whats your favorite animal? Why? 3. Are people in your country fond of animals? 4. What kinds of animals as a pet do the people have in your country? 5. Compared with the past, have there... 详情>>
1. What kinds of snacks do you like to eat? 2. Is it healthy to eat snacks? 3. Do your parents allow you to eat snacks? 4. What was the most popular snack when you were a child? 5. What kinds of snacks do children in your country like to ea... 详情>>
1.How do you feel about birds? 2.Why do you feel that way? 3.How do people in your country feel about birds? Are there many birds near your home? Have you seen many different kinds of birds?... 详情>>
1.Do you like art? 2.Do you think art classes are necessary? 3.What kind of paintings do people like? 4.What benefits can you get from painting as a hobby? 5.How often do you visit art galleries? 6. What kinds of things do you like to draw?... 详情>>
误区一:英国留学,硕士只是一年的课程,应该学不了什么 这个问题其实要考虑的是中西方教育机制的差异。 世界公认,英国的教育质量是非常高。而英国硕士课程安排比国内大学要... 详情>>
喜剧明星。 看到这个题目的时候,不知道各位小“烤鸭”心里除了开心,是不是还是开心呢?题目如下: Describe a famous comic actor in your country. You should say: who the person is; which film or prog... 详情>>
雅思口语考试不同Part有不一样的规律,考生们首先要熟悉每一个Part当中出题的规律。对于单词的发音、句式语法以及整体论述的流畅度要有一个比较系统的把关。本篇文章将就雅思口... 详情>>
雅思口语考试是从考官打开录音笔的那一刻开始的,在你进门坐下check ID的时候,考官的心里就已经开始给你打印象分了。 可能你白美or高帅,刚好遇到一个看颜值的考官,可惜当你说... 详情>>
在所有的雅思考试项目中,雅思口语是比较难拿高分的一个部分,所有考生最头疼的莫过于雅思口语了。可能不掌握一些重要的考试技巧和方法,怎么都拿不到高分。今天就与大家分享... 详情>>