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  • 雅思口语备考素材:电视节目

    书坛画苑 Gallery of Calligraphy Painting 天涯共此时 Time Together across the Strait 华夏风情 China Kaleidoscope 中国新闻 China News 中国报道 China Report 旅行家 Travelogue 中国各地 Around China 今日中国 China... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语备考素材:体育

    You are in great shape.你身体素质真好。 Baseball is my favorite sport. Whats your favorite? My nephew is a baseball player. He is a catcher. When you played football, what position did you play? We played a game last night. The scor... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语备考素材:自然景观

    What is the most beautiful natural scenery you have ever seen? What is the specific point? Where did you see it? Who did you go with? Last year, I went to Shilin with my wife. Shilin, located about 80 kilometers from Kunming. Kunming is the... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语备考素材:音乐

    What role do you think music plays in our life? Just as other kinds of art, music has become an indispensable part of human culture. It brings us with nutritious spiritual foods, enriches our leisure life .In addition, music can do good to... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语备考素材:衣服

    what kind of clothes do you like? Clothes arent only used to keep us warm. It has become a important part of modern civilization. Different nations have different styles clothes. And different styles clothes represent different cultures. Al... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语备考素材:交通

    Give me some opinion on the transportation in your city? In my opinion, one of the biggest problems of transportation is traffic jams in Anyang city. It has become common to see passengers and drivers having to wait in long lines of buses a... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语备考素材:完美假期

    How are things back at the office? one of the gentlemen in my bicycle tour group asked me as we were nearing the end of another lengthy ride through Croatias scenic countryside. “办公室里还好吗?”我的自行车旅行团里的一位... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语备考素材:婚礼

    A Wedding Describe a memorable wedding that you attended You should say: When it was Who was there What you did there and explain why you think it was successful 在雅思口语考试的机经题库中,以wedding为主题的问题分别出... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语备考素材:行走

    You should say: - where and when you walk - what you see on this walk - who you walk with and explain why you walk. Part 3 Walking and health Do many people in China go for walks? How do you think walking is beneficial to health? Are there... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语解析:Boat

    01 Do you often travel by boat? 02 Would you like to go on a boat tour? 03 Where in your country do people most often use/travel by boats? 04 Do many people in your country own their own boat? 1. Do you often travel by boat? 题目解析:... 详情>>


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