Do you often travel by boat?
Would you like to go on a boat tour?
Where in your country do people most often use/travel by boats?
Do many people in your country own their own boat?
1. Do you often travel by boat?
first of all, travel有两种意思,出行和旅游,那么我们都在什么时候会坐船出行呢?试想住在意大利的威尼斯(Venice)或者云南水乡(watery place/region)的同学的日常出行除了坐船可能也并没有其他选择(other choices/alternatives),船是不可或缺(indispensable)的交通方式。这道题给肯定回答的话同学们要注意,千万不要说完自己的家乡is just like Venice之后就so, you know~~~考官可能会直接给你一个"NO I DON'T"(不要问老师是怎么知道的,都是泪)我们的答题原则是话一定要讲清楚!讲清楚!讲清楚!(重要的话说三遍)后面依然需要解释一个watery place就是一切城市设施(facilities)都建在水上(above water)而不同于普通的城市,并没有所谓的"路"(there are no so-called "roads"),这样才算讲清楚了。
那么相信更多的同学可能都不会把船当成日常出行的主要交通工具(means of transport)吧,所以先要强调出行目的是旅行,可以用到go on a long journey(进行一次长途旅行)或者go on a trip(没有强调长途的旅行)这些表达。而在旅行途中我们需要坐船的场合(occasion)也无非是在游览景区的水域(go sightseeing on a lake/down the streams,)时,其他时候选择搭乘飞机或火车(take a plane/train)会帮我们节省掉很多时间(save somebody a lot of time)。
Actually I would say yes, taking a boat is like the indispensable transport in my daily life, because I live in a watery place in the south-west of China, which is just like the Venice. We go everywhere by boat since the all the houses and facilities are built above water, there are no so-called "roads". So speaking of travelling to another place, I don't really have any alternative but taking a boat.
Not really, mostly when I go on long journeys, apparently it saves me more time to travel by plane or train. When I need to go somewhere nearby my location, I prefer to drive there or take a bus. Actually I can't think of any occasion when taking a boat could be a preferable mean of transport, unless you want to go sightseeing around a lake or down the streams etc., which does not happen on most of my trips.
2. Would you like to go on a boat tour?
看到boat tour这么诱人的字眼同学们是不是都跟老师一样第一个想到了史诗级"灾难片"(误)Titanic了呢!豪华游轮行(luxurious cruise tour)一直都是本老(bao)师(bao)的梦想呢。cruise tour最大的好处不外乎可以看到如海上日落(sunset on the sea)这样独特的美景(beautiful scene/view)了。如果嫌beautiful太烂大街,可以用gorgeous, stunning, magnificent等来替换。当然,只要不像电影里一样撞冰山(crash with an iceberg)就是一种很美妙的旅行体验了。当然,boat tour还包括游江湖河流(boating on a river/lake/down the streams),看着沿途的山水风景(while gazing at the mountains and forests along the way)也是不错的体验。
连boat tour都不喜欢?那你一定是晕船(get seasick easily)了。注意seasick是形容词,按照汉语的语法说I have seasick甚至I seasick都是错的。晕船的确很惨,可能会吐(throw up/puke/vomit)很久。这种糟糕的体验可以用一句it was a nightmare来总结。
Yes, definitely! I've been longing for a cruise tour for ages since I watched the film Titanic, it looked so cool and luxurious to be on a ship with restaurants, bars and everything on it. Also, you can enjoy the gorgeous sunset on the sea, so I think cruising is the best way to travel as long as the ship doesn't crash with an iceberg like what happened in the film.
No, not really. I get seasick easily, so staying on a boat for too long is absolutely not a good idea for me. I still remember that I had a 30-minute boat tour when I was travelling on LIJIANG river and kept throwing up for 10 minutes afterwards, it was a nightmare.
3. Where in your country do people most often use/travel by boats?
比较常规的思路当然是沿海地区(coastal areas)的人们更有机会(have more chances/opportunities)乘船出行,普通市民可以出海游玩(have a boat tour on the sea),宏观来讲,船只对于城市的作用自然是港口(habour)运输,"通过船来运输"可以直接用动词ship来表达,货物大家都知道是goods,"在港口之间"介词用between/from/to都是可以的。在一些沿海大城市很多人都有自己的游艇(yacht),而且港口对于进出口(import/export goods)也是至关重要的(important/significant/indispensable)。注意import跟export都是及物动词,后面一定要跟名词,不能什么都不跟。如果不想重复goods的话跟一个things/stuff也是可以的。
Perhaps people who live in coastal cities have more chances to travel by boats. Obviously, it's easier for them to have a boat tour on the sea or ship goods from/to other habours. For instance, in my hometown, a lot of people even have their own yachts. Plus, there are quite a few habours which are significant means of importing and exporting stuff.
There're lots of watery places in the south-west of China, which are just like the Venice. For people there, taking a boat is like the indispensable transport in their daily lives. They go everywhere by boat since the all the houses and facilities are built above water, there are no so-called "roads". So speaking of travelling to another place, they don't really have any alternative but taking a boat.
4. Do many people in your country own their own boat?
买不买自己的船取决于两个方面:需不需要(whether it's necessary)以及买不买得起(whether they can afford it)。很明显在中国大部分人(most people, the majority of people)并不需要,因为大部分人住在内陆(the inner part of the mainland)。即使是对于住在沿海城市(coastal cities)的人来说,出海的频率(frequency)也不会高到需要买一艘自己的船(private boat)。只有壕(well off/fortunate/wealthy/rich people)才买得起(afford)船,而且正常也都是小游艇(yacht)。(家里有游轮(cruise)的请联系我。)
I wouldn't say so. The majority of people in my country live in the inner part of the mainland, so they don't need a boat most of the time. Even for the people who live in coastal places, it's not necessary to own a private boat because they don't need it that often. For my knowledge, only a few well off people can afford their own yachts for entertainment.
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