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  • 雅思口语P2范文:a piece of furniture at home

    You should say: What is it What is the material Who choose the furniture How do you like this furniture 参考范文:我最喜欢的椅子(9分级别) Im going to talk about my favourite chair. Its a big, leather armchair that sits in... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语P2范文:someone who is knowledgeable

    You should say: Who the person is What field the person is expert at What interesting thing has happed to this person 参考范文:一个学多才多艺的老爷爷 Well, Im going to talk about one of my grandfathers friends, Mr. Zhao. He... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语P2范文:an interesting foreigner you know

    You should say: Who is this person What does this person do How did you know this person Why do you think this person is interesting 参考范文:一个学英文的日本老爷爷(为美国老外所写) Approximately 30 years ago whil... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语P2范文:a business person you admire

    You should say: Who is this person what is his/her business Why you admire this person 参考范文: Mr. Alex Smith (…or say a name you prefer…) is a successful businessman I know about. He is from my hometown and he now owns two grou... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语P2范文:a good parent you know

    You should say: Who the parent is How you know the parent What the parent looks like And explain why you think the parent is good. 9分级范文: Ok right then, well the parent Id like to talk about is the mother of a good friend of mine,... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语P2范文:a historical person

    You should say: Who he/she is what he/she did When you first knew him or her and why you are interested in him/her 参考范文:关于司马光的个人迷恋(词汇极度个性化且丰富) I have a sort of crush on Sima Guang, a pri... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语P2范文:a garden you visited and liked

    You should say: where it is how it looks like and explain why you often go there 参考范文:我的后花园(9分级) Today Id like to describe my home garden, which I think is a beautiful one and which I like very much. The garden is pa... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语P2范文:your dream house

    You should say: where it is what it is like when you want to live there and explain why you like it 参考范文:我的城堡梦 If I were a billionaire and had the money, I would love to rent or buy a castle for my own royal lifestyle. E... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语P2范文:a kind of plant or flower

    You should say: What is it Where does it grow Do you like it or not 参考范文:竹子(9分级范文) Id like to talk about the plant-bamboo. So first of all, as for how I know about bamboo, well I cant really remember exactly how I... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语P2范文:a foreign food you ate

    what how do you know it where you can eat it why you like it 参考范文: Id like to tell you about my first experience of Japanese cuisine. This story took place about five or six years ago now, when I was dating my ex-girlfriend. One e... 详情>>


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