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  • 雅思口语P2范文:a place that is quiet

    You should say: Where is it? How long do you go there? What did you do there? 参考范文:我爷爷家的老屋 My grandfathers house is a peaceful place that I visit around 2-3 times a year and like very much. This is in the village (..... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语P2范文:a garden you visited and liked

    You should say: where it is how it looks like and explain why you often go there 参考范文:我的后花园(9分级) Today Id like to describe my home garden, which I think is a beautiful one and which I like very much. The garden i... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语P2范文:your dream house

    You should say: where it is what it is like when you want to live there and explain why you like it 参考范文:我的城堡梦 If I were a billionaire and had the money, I would love to rent or buy a castle for my own royal lifestyle. E... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语P2范文:a kind of plant or flower

    You should say: What is it Where does it grow Do you like it or not 参考范文:竹子(9分级范文) Id like to talk about the plant-bamboo. So first of all, as for how I know about bamboo, well I cant really remember exactly how I... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语P2范文:a foreign food you ate

    what how do you know it where you can eat it why you like it 参考范文: Id like to tell you about my first experience of Japanese cuisine. This story took place about five or six years ago now, when I was dating my ex-girlfriend. One e... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语P2范文:your favorite piece of clothing

    You should say: What it looks like Where did you get it Why do you like it And When do you wear it 参考范文:紫色衬衣 Ooh, favourite item of clothing! Im not much of a clothes horse to be honest, Im not very interested in fashion so... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语P2范文:an invention that changed the world

    You should say: What it is Have you ever used it And why do you think it can change the world 思路分析: Smart Phones This is a great topic to choose because there are so many features of a mobile phone that you can talk forever about... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语P2范文:a person who solved a problem in a clever way

    You should say: Who the person is When you met the person What did this person do And explain why you think the person is clever 参考范文:如何解决我每日无法完成的to-do list until recently, i had an unsolvable problem. Or a... 详情>>


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