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雅思口语P2范文:a place that is quiet

雅思口语P2范文:a place that is quiet

作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  You should say:

  Where is it?

  How long do you go there?

  What did you do there?


  My grandfather's house is a peaceful place that I visit around 2-3 times a year and like very much. This is in the village (...say a village name...). My grandfather's house is a big house with lots of open spaces and a river is flowing nearby.

  In this big house only 3-4 people and 2-3 servants live as my grandparents are no longer in this world and my uncles, aunts are mostly living in different big cities.

  There are 7-8 rooms in the house and a big garden in front of the house. The servants take care of the garden and keep the place neat and clean. Since I live in a city and work for a big company where I have lots of responsibilities to perform, the city life seems very busy and even sometimes chaotic to me.

  Whenever I visit my grandfather's house, I get an impression that I have come to the most peaceful place in the world. I have not seen many places and have not travelled extensively but in my experience the peace and the mental tranquillity I enjoy being here are unmatched. One of the reasons can be my childhood memories; as I have spent my childhood at this very house and whenever I go there, lots of memories flash back and give me a pleasure that I do not get from elsewhere.

  I know this place from my childhood as I was born and grown up here. This place is different to me. I leave behind my busy life and come here to relax both mentally and physically. The memory of my departed grandparents, my childhood and other happy events are related to this place. I can get fresh air, meet some of my relatives, enjoy the country life and stay close to nature here and for all those reasons, I like this place very much.


  What are the places that are free of noises?

  Are there fewer quiet places nowadays than there were previously?

  Why do some dislike quietness?

  Do you listen to music while working or studying?

  What are the causes of noises?



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