
bec商务英语和雅思 哪个更好考>>
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  • 雅思口语考官观点:移民

    ... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语考官观点:多元文化

    Positives of immigration and Multi-cultural societies多元文化积极面 From an economic perspective, immigration can be extremely positive Many immigrants have skills that are needed in the country they move to Immigrants who find work... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语考官观点:全球化

    Positives of Globalization全球化的积极面 Business of becoming increasingly international Multi-national companies do business across the world Companies like MacDonalds can be seen on high streets in most cities Goods are produced in... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语考官观点:转基因食物

    Genetically-Modified (GM) foods: Advantages转基因食物:优势 Farmers can produce crops that grow bigger and faster Some GM crops are more resistant to disease or insects This could be important for food production in developing countri... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语考官观点:政府的功能

    What governments can do政府的功能 Governments provide public services like healthcare and education They support people who are living in poverty or unable to work Governments raise money by taxing working people They can spend money o... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语考官观点:公共服务

    Public services公共服务 Governments pay the salaries of public sector workers like police officers and teachers The necessary money is raised by taxing people’s income Free education and healthcare may be provided by the state Some go... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语考官观点:公共场所监控

    Video cameras in public places公共场所监控 The use of CCTV is becoming widespread Video cameras have been installed in many public places They are supposed to protect us and deter criminals Many people think that this surveillance vio... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语考官观点:智能卡

    Smart cards: Negatives智能卡:优点 Many people are worried about losing their privacy Governments could store all our personal and medical information This information could be used by insurance companies Employers could check our hea... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语考官观点:枪支合法化

    Why guns should be legal: In some countries, people are allowed to own firearms Individuals have the right to protect themselves People can use guns in self defence This deters criminals Why gun ownership should be illegal: There is a risk... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语考官观点:警察配枪

    Why polices should use guns Many criminals use weapons The threat of a gun can deter criminals Police officers can forces a criminal to surrender It is easier to arrest someone and avoid physical violence The police may shoot violent crimin... 详情>>


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