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  • 雅思口语话题范文part3:借东西

    借东西 Why are people embarrassed when they borrow money from others? I guess its due to their upbringings. As far as Im concerned, in many cultures, people are taught to mind their own business and earn their own livings at a young age.... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语话题范文part3:第二国语言

    第二国语言 Is it popular to learn English in your country? English learning is common in China. English has been a compulsory subject in school for the last few decades, and if you take a stroll in major cities in China, you will find... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语话题范文part3:家族企业

    家族企业 How to be a successful businessman in your country? In China, a successful businessman must be a hardworking man. He should be habitual to work for a longer time to develop and look after his business. If he is not hard working... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语话题范文part3:上网搜信息

    上网搜信息 What are the differences between getting information from library and getting information from the newspaper? I think it is more complicated to get information from the library than from a newspaper. When searching informati... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语话题范文part3:喜欢的科目

    以前不喜欢现在喜欢的科目 What subjects are more practical to learn nowadays? I think the computer software-related courses are more practical. Because nowadays, our daily life and daily work can never be separated from computers... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语话题范文part3:独处时的活动

    独处时的活动 Do people in your country work longer hours now than in the past? Yes. In the past, many people lived an ordinary nine-to-five life. However, now many e-commerce companies have implemented 996 work schedule. The 996 work... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语话题范文part3:最近读的书

    最近读的书 In your country, who would ask the children to read, schools or parents? Well, Id say both actually. It is required that students should read particular books at school, and the teacher will check if the reading is properly... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语话题范文part3:从朋友家人借东西

    从朋友家人借东西 1. In which situation people usually borrow things? When people have nothing to do with any specific issue, they are to borrow from others. For instance, you are standing in a bus queue to get the ticket for returni... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语Part1范文:Gift

    1. Do you ever give people gifts ? Yes,In Chinese culture,sending gifts is a common habit, and it happens on many occasions like birthdays, wedding ceremonies, farewell parties and house warming parties, first date between lovers, marriage... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语Part1范文:Outdoor Activities

    1.What do you do in your spare time? I like to do a few things in my spare time, like dancing, swimming, walking and going to the gym. 2.Do you like outdoor activities? I love outdoor activities, as I love being outside in nature, in the fr... 详情>>


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