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  What are the differences between getting information from library and getting information from the newspaper?

  I think it is more complicated to get information from the library than from a newspaper. When searching information in a library, you are forced to first find books that you are looking for, write down their locations, and then go searching for them through the aisles of the library. You must then gather them all up and read through them, trying to find relevant information. However, the newspaper is generally thinner than books, which means less reading times. Moreover, the newspaper has a certain theme. If you want to find financial information, you can buy a financial newspaper. And the newspaper contains current information.

  In what ways can people get information these days?

  Now we are living in an era of technology. With the development of the Internet, we can get information fast. These days, we have lightning fast search engines that can give us thousands of links based on specific keywords. The internet allows for an unbelievably large amount of downloads and uploads of information, music, videos, attachments, and all sorts of other things as it is the engine of the Information Superhighway of our Information Era, in which we live. What's more, we can also get information from TV programs.



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