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  • 剑11雅思口语test4原文与解析PART2

    剑11雅思口语test4原文与解析PART2 Describe a TV documentary you watched that was particularly interesting. You should say: what the documentary was about why you decided to watch it what you learnt during the documentary and explai... 详情>>


  • 剑11雅思口语test4原文与解析PART3

    剑11雅思口语test4原文与解析PART3 Discussion topics: Different types of TV programmes Example questions: What are the most popular kinds of TV programmes in your country? Why is this? Do you think there are too many game shows... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语part2精讲:你最近看的广告

    雅思口语part2精讲:你最近看的广告 Part 2 话题精讲: Describe an advertisement you watched recently You should say: Where and when you watched it? What type of advertisement it is? What it is about? How you felt about it a... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语part2语料精讲:你喜欢访问的网站

    雅思口语part2语料精讲:你喜欢访问的网站 Part 2 话题精讲: Describe a website you like to visit. You should say: How you know it? What it is about? How often you use it? and explain why you like to visit it? 高分参考... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语part2 精讲:你喜欢的电影

    雅思口语part2 精讲:你喜欢的电影 Part2 话题: Describe a film you like You should say: When and where you watched it? What type of film it is? Whats it about? How you felt about it and explain why? 必考问题1: Q:Do you... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语part2精讲:使你开怀大笑的人或事

    雅思口语part2精讲:使你开怀大笑的人或事 Part2 话题精讲: Describe someone/something that made you laugh You should say: When it happened? Where it happened? What happened? Why you laughed and how you felt about it? 高分参... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语part2 精讲:一个刚搬回家的人

    Part2 话题精讲: Describe a person who just moved home You should say: Where and when the person moved? How you know him/her? What he/she brought with him/her? How he/she felt about the new home? 高分参考: 1.Id like to talk about... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语part2精讲:你家中的一个设备

    雅思口语part2精讲:你家中的一个设备 Describe an equipment at your home You should say : What it is? How often you use it?Whom you use it with? How you feel about it and explain why you like/dislike it? 高分参考: 1.Id li... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语part2范文解析:拥挤之地

    雅思口语part2范文解析:拥挤之地 【题目】 Describe a time you went to a crowed place. You should say when you went there what the place was what you did there and explain why you went there/how you felt about the crowded pla... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语part2范文解析:数学技巧

    雅思口语part2范文解析:数学技巧 【题目】 Describe some useful skills you learned in a math class from your primary/high school. You should say: What it is When you take the class Why you think it is useful 描述一些你在小... 详情>>


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