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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享


  Part 2 话题精讲:

  Describe an advertisement you watched recently

  You should say:

  Where and when you watched it?

  What type of advertisement it is?

  What it is about?

  How you felt about it and explain why?


  1.I'd like to talk about a brilliant commerical I watched recently.I watched it a couple of days ago at my parents' place.After supper,we sat on the couch,watching TV.It's more like a family tradtion.Once a week,I'd stop by their place to spend some time with them.That's when i watched it.

  2.It's the latest Toyota's commercial,which is specially made for the father's day.The main purpose is to promote its advanced safey device installed on its vehicles.Normally speaking,I'd change channel.You know,I'm not a guy who'd spend time on advertisments.But this one's an exception.It left me a deep impression.

  3.Now ,I'll tell you about it.The short film shows the daily life of a common Japanese family.The father does his best to take care of his daughter.He sends her to school everyday.No matter how busy he is, he never misses his daughter's birthdays and school events.Many years past,he's getting old. Many things have changed,his daughter gets married and becomes a mom herslef.But his love for her stays the same.

  4.The father's love touched the deepest place in my heart.It reminds me of those days i spent with my old man,who's done everything to give me a good life. When i was watching it,there're a a few times i almost cried.There's a sense of guilt in me.What i want to say is I should have done better to take care of him.Fortunately,it's not too late.He deserves everything the best.


  I'd like to talk about a brilliant commerical i watched not so long ago:高分开头

  a couple of days ago:几天前(a couple of 美国人常用的词组)

  we sat on the couch,watching TV:(非谓语的使用有加分)

  It's the latest Toyota's commercial,which is specially made for the father's day:(commercial 商业广告,加分词,后面的定语从句有加分。)这是丰田特地为了父亲节做的商业广告。

  The main purpose is to promote its advanced safey device installed on its vehicles:这个广告的目的是推广丰田车上的安全装置。

  You know,I'm not a guy who'd spend time on advertisments:(从句有加分)

  this one's an exception:这是一个例外

  It left me a deep impression:这个广告给我留下了深刻的印象。

  The father's love touched the deepest place in my heart:这个父亲对女儿的爱触动了我心里深处的东西。

  It reminds me of those days i spent with my old man,who's done everything to give me a good life:(从句有加分,remind sb of 提醒某人.. 这个广告让我想起了那些和我爸爸相处的日子, 他为了给我好的生活付出了一切。)

  When i was watching it,there're a a few times i almost cried:(从句有加分)

  There's a sense of guilt in me:我有一种深深的罪恶感。



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