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  • 雅思口语part2&3事件类话题范文:没有花费

    雅思口语part23事件类话题范文:没有花费 P2 Describe a special day you went out and didnt spend much money. You should say: when it was; who you went out with; how much you spent; and explain how you felt about your day out. P... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语part2&3事件类话题范文:计划旅行

    雅思口语part23事件类话题范文:计划旅行 Describe a trip that you plan to go on in the near future P2 You should say: where would you go who would be with you when are you planning to take this trip and explain why you want to... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语part2&3事件类话题范文:专注做的事

    雅思口语part23事件类话题范文:专注做的事 Describe something you do to keep you concentrated. P2 Describe something you do that helps you concentrate on your work or study. you should say: what it is; how you do it; how ofte... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语part2&3事件类话题范文:第一部手机

    雅思口语part23事件类话题范文:第一部手机 Your first mobile phone P2 Describe you first mobile phone. You should say: when and where you got it; who gave it to you; what it looked like; and explain what difference it made to... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语part2&3事件类话题范文:改变计划

    雅思口语part23事件类话题范文:改变计划 A time when you changed your plan/ mind P2 Describe a time you changed your plan. You should say: what the plan was; why you changed it; what you did instead; and explain how you felt a... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语part3范文:tourism

    雅思口语part3范文:tourism 题目: What are the advantages and disadvantages of tourism? 高分答案: Thats an interesting question! I think there are both advantages and disadvantages. In terms of advantages, tourism helps to b... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语PART2:如何说满两分钟

    雅思的口语考试虽然只有短短的十几分钟,却占着和听力阅读写作相等的分数比例。尤其是两分钟的自述部分,是众多中国考生十分害怕的环节。众多的话题也给学生的词汇量提出了一... 详情>>


  • 剑10雅思口语test1原文与解析PART1

    剑10雅思口语test1原文与解析PART1 PART 1 The examiner asks the candidate about him/herself, his/her home, work or studies and other familiar topics. EXAMPLE Weekends How do you usually spend your weekends? [Why?] Which is your favo... 详情>>


  • 剑桥雅思10口语test1原文与解析PART2

    剑桥雅思10口语test1原文与解析PART2 PART 2 Describe someone you know who does something well. You should say: who this person is how you know this person what they do well and explain why you think this person is so good at doing... 详情>>


  • 剑10雅思口语test1原文与解析PART3

    剑10雅思口语test1原文与解析PART3 Discussion topics: Skills and abilities Example questions: What skills and abilities do people most want to have today? Why? Which skills should children learn at school? Are there any skills which... 详情>>


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