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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享


  Your first mobile phone


  Describe you first mobile phone.

  You should say:

  when and where you got it;

  who gave it to you;

  what it looked like;

  and explain what difference it made to your life.


  Are mobile phones very common in your country?

  Do many old people use mobile phones?

  At what age do people in your country usually get their first cell-phone?

  Do you think there are any downsides (bad points) to using a cell-phone?

  What can someone do if they lose their cell-phone?

  Do people use their cell-phones more for speaking or more for sending text messages?


  Everyone remembers getting their first mobile phone like it was yesterday. My first phone was as slow as molasses in January and ugly as sin, but at the time I was as happy as a clam! I still have the phone today as I keep it for the memories and nostalgia. It looks so outdated these days against modern smartphones, like an old relic.

  My mother surprised me with this phone on my 17th birthday. I remember waking up to find a small package next on my bed next to my head. I had no idea what it was, so I ripped open the wrapping paper with a huge grin on my face. To my surprise, my mum had bought me a stunning Nokia phone and I was in seventh heaven.

  When I compare this phone with modern smartphones, it looks like something out of a museum. However, at the time the phone was actually considered to be quite modern and sleek in design. It was silver in color and had an elegant slide cover that clicked into place.

  What I remember most is how the phone totally changed my life and opened up new opportunities for me. I joined a Chinese messaging service called QQ and I was instantly connected to all my friends 24/7. It was so addictive! I spent hours in deep chats with people all over China and the rest of the world. It was an amazing experience.



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