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  • 1-4月雅思口语part1新题预测:high school

    【题目】 High School 1, What about your first feelings in high school. 2. Which teacher left deep impression on you. 3, Do you still in contact with your high school students. 4, Do you like your high school life. 高中 你高中时的第... 详情>>


  • 1-4月雅思口语part1新题预测:plant

    Plant 植物 1, Do you like to have plant in your home? 2, Who takes care of the plant at your home? 3, Do you know how to take care of the plant? 4, Do you want to receive plant as a present? 你喜欢在家里种植物吗? 你家的植物... 详情>>


  • 1-4月雅思口语part1新题预测:high school

    【题目】 High School 1, What about your first feelings in high school. 2. Which teacher left deep impression on you. 3, Do you still in contact with your high school students. 4, Do you like your high school life. 高中 你高中时的第... 详情>>


  • 1-4月雅思口语part1新题预测:plant

    Plant 植物 1, Do you like to have plant in your home? 2, Who takes care of the plant at your home? 3, Do you know how to take care of the plant? 4, Do you want to receive plant as a present? 你喜欢在家里种植物吗? 你家的植物... 详情>>


  • 1-4月雅思口语part1新题预测:noise

    1. What natural sound(s) do you like (the most)?(Why?) I like chirping. Birds chirping always cheers me up in the morning. 1. 你最喜欢什么自然声音?为什么? 我喜欢鸣叫。鸟儿的啁啾总是使我在早晨感到愉... 详情>>


  • 1-4月雅思口语part1新题预测:Rainy

    1. Do you like rainy days? I love rain. I like the way it sounds and I like looking at it falling from the sky. I love a nice rainy day where the rain comes down steadily or lightly and soaks into the ground. Dont get me started, I soooo di... 详情>>


  • 1-4月雅思口语part2&3新题预测:有趣网站

    1-4月雅思口语part23新题预测:有趣网站 describe an interesting website you have used 描述一个你用过的有趣的网站 【解题思路】 You should say: What contents it has. How and when you found it How often you visit... 详情>>


  • 1-4月雅思口语part2&3新题预测:人少的旅游地

    1-4月雅思口语part23新题预测:人少的旅游地 Describe an interesting place in your country that not many tourists get there 描述一个有趣的地方,在你的国家,没有很多游客去那里 【解题思路】 You shou... 详情>>


  • 1-4月雅思口语part2&3新题预测:想去地方

    1-4月雅思口语part23新题预测:想去地方 Describe a place in your city that you would like to visit 描述一个你在的城市中你想去的地方 【解题思路】 You should say: Where it is What people do there How you know... 详情>>


  • 1-4月雅思口语part2&3新题预测:一件艺术品

    Describe an impessive work of art Such as painting or sculpture you saw. 描述一个艺术品 【解题思路】 You should say: what it is; when and where you first saw this work of art; what it looks like; and explain why you like it. 它是... 详情>>


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