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  • 1月5日雅思听力小范围预测:Section Four

    Section Four 场次 20110109 20110219 20090115 2008 学科 环保 题型 填空 6 流程图 4 内容概述 利用太阳能进行水净化 填空 6 1. High level of salts makes bore water unsafe to drink. 2. SW10 makes the bore water clean i... 详情>>


  • 1月5日雅思听力小范围预测:Section Three

    Section Three 场次 20110212 2008 2007 2006 题型 填空 10 内容概述 一位男士 confirm presentation 的时间,以及要带的材料 填空 10 1.时间 Time:(early evening) 另外一种说法:Date:(14th to 4th June) 2.开... 详情>>


  • 1月5日雅思听力小范围预测:Section Two

    Section Two 场次 2016031 20120811 2008 场景 公司招聘 题型 选择 1 填空 9 内容概述 关于太平洋制衣公司 Pacific Clothing Firm 招聘介绍,先说服务行业竞 争,再说主要是职位的空缺、人员的要求和... 详情>>


  • 1-4月雅思口语part1新题预测:science

    【题目】 科学 science 1. Do you like science? 2. What science have you studied? How do you study science? Whats the most difficult part of studying science? How has the science that you have studied helped you?... 详情>>


  • 1-4月雅思口语part1新题预测:efficiency

    【题目】 学习效率 efficiency 1. Do you prefer to study in the morning or in the evening? 2. Why do some people find it difficult to focus in the morning? 3. What do you do to improve your efficiency?... 详情>>


  • 1-4月雅思口语part1新题预测:alone

    【题目】 独处 alone 1.When was the last time you were alone?. 2.What do you like to do when you are alone? 3.Do you wish to have more time alone? 4.Is it important to have some time alone?... 详情>>


  • 1-4月雅思口语part1新题预测:cooking

    【题目】 烹饪 cooking 1. Do you like cooking? 2. When did you start cooking? 3. Who usually cook in your family? 4. Do you think cooking programs are popular in China?... 详情>>


  • 1-4月雅思口语part1新题预测:pollutions

    【题目】 pollutions 污染 1. Is there anything being polluted in your hometown? 2. What are the common types of pollutions in the countryside? 3. What are the causes of those pollutions? 4. Have you ever done anything to help the envir... 详情>>


  • 雅思口语part1新题预测:street markets

    【题目】 street markets 街市 1. Do you like street markets? 2. Are street markets common in your country? 3. What is usually sold there? 4. Do you think people like street markets? Why?... 详情>>


  • 1-4月雅思口语part1新题预测:梦

    【题目】 Dream 1 How long can you remember your dream when you wake up? 2 Do you like hearing others dream? 3 Do you think dream will affect life? 4 Do you often have dreams at night? 5 Have you had a bad dream before? 6 What was the st... 详情>>


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