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  • 3月9日雅思听力小范围预测:Section Three

    Section Three 场次20161013 20110606 20091010 2008 题型填空 4 多选 6 内容概述两个学生讨论关于选修课程的事,会计和日语,一个 accounting course, 一个是 Japanese 多选 5 1-3. 女孩选择这门课程的原... 详情>>


  • 3月9日雅思听力小范围预测:Section Two

    Section Two 场次20151107A 20100821 场景地点介绍 题型地图 5 填空 5 内容概述总统山介绍 地图 5 1.花费:1 million 2.目的:develop tourism 3.朝向:southeast 4.命名:lawyer 命名的 5.用时:7 years 配对... 详情>>


  • 3月9日雅思听力小范围预测:Section One

    Section One 场次V05104 场景咨询 题型填空 10 内容概述妇女新手咨询Scuba diving 课程 1. 一女的要报游泳班 男的劝她先上level of the beginning basic - or for beginners. 2. the month on July 3. on a Saturday 4.... 详情>>


  • 3月2日雅思写作小范围预测

    1. Some people argue that too much attention and too many resources are given to the protection of wild animals and birds. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Alarmingly, some improper human activities such as hunting rare animals or t... 详情>>


  • 3月2日雅思阅读小范围预测

    题目:Taste Buds 内容:味蕾感和味道区域划分 题型:填空6道+判断4道+选择3道 Summary 苦味可以判断食物decay ,甜可以安全可吃consumption ,以前的人收集食物很危险,因为有狮子等predators 单... 详情>>


  • 3月2日雅思口语小范围预测:part2&3

    历史时期 PART2 Describe a historical period you would like to know. You should say: When it was How you heard of it What you are interested in What you have known And why you would like to know more PART 3 1. How do you learn history? 2... 详情>>


  • 3月2日雅思口语小范围预测:part1

    Sports 1. Do you like to watch sports on TV? 2. Do you play any sports? 3. Do you have a favorite sports star? 4. What kinds of sports are popular in China? 5. What kinds of sports would you like to try in the future? Public holiday 1. Do p... 详情>>


  • 3月2日雅思听力小范围预测:Section Four

    Section Four 场次 20150613 20110606 201106 2008 学科 蜜蜂功能 题型 填空 6 单选 4 内容概述 蜜蜂用什么来 navigation 以及这个功能在人类身上的应用帮助盲人等,蜜蜂 视觉和 人类视觉 单选 4 1.... 详情>>


  • 3月2日雅思听力小范围预测:Section Three

    Section Three 场次 20160110 20141018 题型 单选 4 配对 6 内容概述 艺术和音乐在医院里的应用 art and live music in hospitals 单选 4 21 previous hospital put the art and music focused on. A children B patient who have... 详情>>


  • 3月2日雅思听力小范围预测:Section Two

    Section Two 场次 2016031 20120811 2008 场景 公司招聘 题型 选择 1 填空 9 内容概述 关于太平洋制衣公司 Pacific Clothing Firm 招聘介绍,先说服务行业竞 争,再说主要是职位的空缺、人员的要求和... 详情>>


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