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  • 雅思听力小范围预测:Section Three

    Section Three 场次20160110 20141018 题型单选 4 配对 6 内容概述艺术和音乐在医院里的应用 art and live music in hospitals 单选 4 21 previous hospital put the art and music focused on. A children B patient who have psy... 详情>>


  • 3月14日雅思听力小范围预测:Section Two

    Section Two 场次20151203 20120804 场景地点介绍 题型单选 5 配对 5 内容概述多伦多工作室介绍 单选 5 1. 新增服务 New workshop is to offer service like A. home visit B. children caring 2. first workshop 提供什么... 详情>>


  • 3月14日雅思听力小范围预测:Section One

    Section One 场次待定 场景酒店订房咨询 题型填空 10 内容概述预订海滨酒店 1.address: 61/71, KVIUA 2.March 3. nationalities: Canadian and Australian, total 7 persons 4. dont ask for kitchen 5. need restaurant 6.最贵的... 详情>>


  • 3月2日雅思听力大范围预测:Section Two

    Section 2 场景:国家森林公园介 题型:单选+匹配 参考答案: 11-16)Multiple Choice 11. Report has the worlds ______? A. the highest mountain peak B. the biggest waterfall C. the largest rainforest 12. What is the best t... 详情>>


  • 3月2日雅思听力大范围预测:Section One

    Section 1 场景:给老婆举办升迁派对的筹备 题型:填空 参考答案: 1. 人数:80 2. date and day: Friday, 26 September 3. 要的房型:king room 4. prefered taste of cake: lemon 5. 蛋糕上写:congratulations 6. 餐... 详情>>


  • 3月9日雅思写作小范围预测

    1. Some people think painting and drawings are as important as other subjects, they should be compulsory in high school education. This debate reminds me a story,a group of Chinese students visited America,during the process of communicatio... 详情>>


  • 3月9日雅思阅读小范围预测

    文章题目Undergraduate students study dramas 重复年份20160331 20141018 题材人文社科 题型暂无 文章大意文学专业学生的课程指南,提到了让学生观看英国不同时期剧院中的戏剧, 并列举了不同时... 详情>>


  • 3月9日雅思口语小范围预测:part2&3

    有趣的老人 PART 2 Describe an old person who is interesting. You should say: Who this person is How you know this person What you do with this person And explain why you think this person is interesting PART 3 1. What can old people te... 详情>>


  • 3月9日雅思口语小范围预测:part1

    Weather 1. Do you prefer dry or wet weather? 2. What kind of weather do you like most? 3. Whats your favorite season? 4. What kind of weather is typical in your hometown? Drink water 1. How often do you drink water? 2. What kinds of water d... 详情>>


  • 3月9日雅思听力小范围预测:Section Four

    Section Four 场次2015075 学科历史 题型填空 10 内容概述 洲 游 牧 部 落 和 定 居 部 落 -difference between settled nations and nomadic nations 1. vertical 2 then for accommodation, settlers: nomad cabin 3. transport by... 详情>>


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