

作者:网编整理 来源:新东方论坛 时间:2017-01-16 15:23


  Section A

  26. [A] absorb

  27. [C] contribute

  28. [K] levels

  29. [G] explore

  30. [M] picture

  31. [O] voyage

  32. [B] combined

  33. [E] emissions

  34. [D] depth

  35. [N] unsure

  Section B

  36. [F] The author's experiment shows that students with a fixed mind-set believe having to work hard is an indication of low ability.

  37. [C] Focusing on effort is effective in helping children overcome frustration and achieve success.

  38. [I] We can cultivate a growth mind-set in children by telling success stories that emphasize hard work and love of learning.

  39. [B] Students' belief about the cause of their failure explains their attitude towards setbacks.

  40. [G] In the author's experiment, students with a growth mind-set showed greater perseverance in solving difficult math problems.

  41. [E] The author conducted an experiment to find out about the influence of students' mind-sets on math learning.

  42. [A] After falling again and again, most animals give up hope.

  43. [J] Informing students about the brain as a learning machine is a good strategy to enhance their motivation for learning.

  44. [D] People with a fixed mind-set believe that one's intelligence is unchangeable.

  45. [H] In the workplace, feedback may not be so welcome to managers with a fixed mind-set.

  Section C

  Passage One

  46. [C] They were subject to taxation almost everywhere.

  47. [B] They find it ever harder to cope with sugar-induced health problems.

  48. [A] It did not work out as well as was expected.

  49. [D] Adjusting the physical composition of their products.

  50. [A] There is no single easy quick solution to the problem.

  Passage Two

  51. [D] It affects models' health and safety.

  52. [B] Government legislation about model's weight.

  53. [C] It has great influence on numerous girls and women.

  54. [B] It has now a new law to follow.

  55. [D] It will have models with higher BMI.



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