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作者:-- 来源:网络 发布时间:2020-10-16 13:46



  as has been noted (mentioned, stated), at last, finally, in a word, all in all,in brief, in conclusion, in short, in sum, in summary, to conclude, to sum up,to summarize

  a) An Inhibition as mentioned above, is rarely used.

  b) At last,wewereabletoaffordahouse.

  c) We finally found a decent apartment close to campus.

  d) Pop, in a word,isfascinationversusmeaning.

  e) It was, all in all, more like a prison than an office.

  f) In brief, the President plans to cut defense spending and lower taxes.

  g) In conclusion, I want to thank all the people who have volunteered their time to our organization.

  h) In short, the report says that more money should be spent on education.

  i) In sum,weneedtocutcosts.

  j) In summary, do not sell your shares.

  k) To conclude, the prospects for philosophy of religion look brighter than they have done for many moons.

  l) To sum up, for a healthy heart you must take regular exercise and stop smoking.

  m) To summarize, in most cases the schools were achieving the standards set.



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