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作者:-- 来源:新东方网 发布时间:2020-07-01 16:13


  1. A further concern is that the use of electronic means of payment leaves an electronic trail that contains a large amount of personal data on buying habits.


  2. These are the kind of workers that countries like Britain, Canada and Australia try to attract by using immigration rules that privilege college graduates.


  3. It tends to ignore, and thus eventually to eliminate, many elements in the land community that lack commercial value, but that are essential to its healthy functioning.


  4. This will be particularly true since energy pinch will make it difficult to continue agriculture in the high-energy American fashion that makes it possible to combine few farmers with high yields.


  5. It leads the discussion to extremes at the outset: it invited you to think that animals should be treated either with consideration humans extend to other humans, or with no consideration at all.



  1. Thus, the anthropological concept of "culture", like the concept of "set" in mathematics, is an abstract concept which makes possible immense amounts of concrete research and understanding.


  2. A bill by Democratic Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia, which would offer financial incentives for private industry, is a promising start.


  3. Furthermore, humans have the ability to modify the environment in which they live, …


  4. Now since the assessment of intelligence is a comparative matter, we must be sure that the scale with which we are comparing our subjects provides a "valid" or "fair" comparison.


  (3)who, whom, whose型

  1. I shall define him as an individual who has elected as his primary duty and pleasure in life the activity of thinking in Socratic way about moral problems.


  2. On another level, many in the medical community acknowledge that the assisted suicide debate has been fueled in part by the despair of patients for whom modern medicine has prolonged the physical agony of dying.


  3. "It was a really bad move because that’s not my passion," says Ning, whose dilemma about the job translated, predictable, into a lack of sales.


  4. Realistic optimists are these who make the best of things that happen.


  5. Firms who want to keep their outside directors through tough times may have to create incentives.



  1. Most of the prospective graduate students wish to enter a satisfactory university where they can not only find exciting life but also improve themselves on academics works.


  2. Some courts are beginning to side with defendants, especially in cases where a warning label probably wouldn’t have changed anything.



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