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  • 雅思阅读指南:Tips for the Reading test

    Answer all questions. There is no negative marking for incorrect answers. The reading test is considered by many to be the most difficult part of IELTS. And with some justification. You have to read 3 long sections, each with multiple parag... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读匹配题型解析

    匹配题型 在IELTS阅读测试中,有许多形式的匹配题,但实际上可以分成两种: 第一种:所匹配的题目数相同; 第二种:所匹配的题目数不同。 第二种匹配题相对比第一种题型难,在两... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读:练习题1

    Background music may seem harmless, but it can have a powerful effect on those who hear it. Recorded background music first found its way into factories, shop and restaurants in the US. But it soon spread to other arts of the world. Now it... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读:练习题2

    Hackers target the home front 1. One of the UKs leading banks has been forced to admit that organised hacking gangs have been targeting its executives. For the past year, Royal Bank of Scotland has been fighting systematic attempts to break... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读:练习题3

    Study Finds Web Antifraud Measure Ineffective 1. Internet security experts have long known that simple passwords do not fully defend online bank accounts from determined fraud artists. Now a study suggests that a popular secondary security... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读:练习题4

    1 NEELIE KROES, the European Unions competition commissioner, did not mince her words when reporting on Europes energy markets on Wednesday January 10th. Europes energy firms have failed to invest in networks and so customers are suffering.... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读:练习题5

    Sleep medication linked to bizarre behaviour New evidence has linked a commonly prescribed sleep medication with bizarre behaviours, including a case in which a woman painted her front door in her sleep. UK and Australian health agencies ha... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读:练习题6

    You should spend about 20 minutes on questions 14-26, which are based on Reading Passage 2 below. Question 14 Choose the most suitable title for Reading passage 2 from the list below. Write your answer in box 14 on your answer sheet. A Old... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读:练习题7

    Next Year Marks the EUs 50th Anniversary of the Treaty A. After a period of introversion and stunned self-disbelief, continental European governments will recover their enthusiasm for pan-European institution-building in 2007. Whether the E... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读:练习题8

    Time to Cool It 让时间冷静下来 1 REFRIGERATORS are the epitome of clunky technology: solid, reliable and just a little bitdull. They have not changed much over the past century, but then they have not needed to. They are based on a r... 详情>>


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