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  • 雅思阅读素材:The magic of diasporas

    Immigrant networks are a rare bright spark in the world economy. Rich countries should welcome them THIS is not a good time to be foreign. Anti-immigrant parties are gaining ground in Europe. Britain has been fretting this week over lapses... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读素材:Game lessons

    It sounds like a cop-out, but the future of schooling may lie with video games SINCE the beginning of mass education, schools have relied on what is known in educational circles as chalk and talk. Chalk and blackboard may sometimes be repla... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读素材:The screw tightens

    ONE can almost hear the gates clanging: one after the other the sources of funding for Europes banks are being shut. It is a result of the highly visible run on Europes government bond markets, which today reached the heart of the euro zone... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读素材:Coarse work

    BRITISH universities, it appears, are considering abandoning a 200-year old system of degree classification in favour of the American GPA model. At present, students are bunched into grade clusters. The top 10-20% receive a 1st, the majorit... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读素材:The euro zones unexploded ordnance

    THE euro-zone crisis is not solved and is not likely to be solved soon, but the greatest immediate danger has been avoided. Two points worth stressing. 1) The euro-zone economy has some unexploded ordinance in it that is likely to explode e... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读素材:Why so few university slots?

    GETTING into college in America has gotten considerably more difficult over time. Zubin Jelvah writes: Thanks to the positive effects of higher education on pay, the competition for entrance into the top colleges has increased sharply over... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读素材:Difference Engine,Volt farce

    FOR General Motors, a good deal of the companys recovery from its brush with bankruptcy is riding on the Chevrolet Volt (Opel or Vauxhall Ampera in Europe), its plug-in hybrid electric vehicle launched a year ago. Not that GM expects the sl... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读素材:No more whirly-splat

    ALTHOUGH rare, engine failure is a stressful thing for a helicopter pilot to have to deal with. The pilot of a fixed-wing aircraft that loses power can at least rely on those wings to provide him with lift until his planes forward velocity... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读素材:A Drier and Hotter Future

    While I was reading William deBuyss new book, A Great Aridness, two massive dust storms reminiscent of the 1930s raged across the skies of Phoenix and of Lubbock, Texas. Newspapers blamed them on the current drought in the West, which is pr... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读素材:Bodes law lives!

    SOMEWHERE, the spirit of Johann Elert Bode is smiling. Bode was a German astronomer who popularised a mathematical rule, which came to be known as Bodes law, in a book published in 1772. According to Bodes law, there is a hidden pattern in... 详情>>


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