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  • 雅思阅读材料:男士美容保养

    LAST NOVEMBER, my female co-workers at The Wall Street Journal discovered that the sole product I used on my face was soap. Their reaction to this mundane revelation wasnt all that nice. They began calling me the man who doesnt moisturize.... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读材料:如何做一个早起鸟

    At 6 AM, most of us are lucky if we have the energy to reach for a cup of coffee. Mornings may be rough, but hold off on sleeping in. There are perks to waking up with the sun, and weve got some tips on making it easier. 早上6:00,大部分... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读材料:电影院里的骗局

    In 2013, China achieved a record-breaking high for its film industrys box-office revenues, which officially register at 21.769 billion yuan ($3.59 billion). But according to Wang Changtian, CEO of Enlight, that was at least 5 billion yuan s... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读材料:年纪越大越觉时光飞逝

    As you get older, it feels like time tends to move faster. As Dan Ariely explains over at The Wall Street Journal, we tend to fall into familiar routines as we age and that makes time move quickly. 虽然你年纪越来越大,时间似乎也... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读材料:家具的颜色反映出你内心世界

    Shades of Red 红色的家 For centuries, red has meant passion. People who are partial to shades of red, from apple and rose red to tomato and fire engine, generally are optimistic, outgoing and, well, passionate about life。 几个世纪以... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读材料:睡姿的秘密

    Foetus 婴儿睡姿 Those who curl up in the foetus position are described as tough on the outside but sensitive at heart. They may be shy when they first meet somebody, but soon relax. The foetus is the most common sleeping position, with... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读材料:改变世界的14个发明

    Whats the greatest invention since sliced cheese? Wait: Why is sliced cheese so great in the first place? Here are 14 inventions that REALLY changed the world -- cheese not included. 自从切片奶酪问世以来,最伟大的发明是什么... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读材料:专家称时间终究会停止

    The theory of time running out was devised by researchers from two Spanish universities trying to explain why the universe appeared to be spreading continuously and accelerating。“时间耗尽”理论由两名来自西班牙大学的研究... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读材料:什么是“电脑眼综合症”

    Many of us spend the bulk of our day peering at computer screens. Reading this article means theres a good chance youre looking at one right now. 许多人每天都要花费很多时间在电脑屏幕前。比如读这篇文章的时候你就... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读材料:最牛作弊纸11米长

    If youre going to cheat in an exam, at least be subtle about it。 如果你打算在考场里作弊,起码也要低调一点。 Cast a furtive glance at your friends answer sheet, scribble a note or two on your arm, perhaps。 偷偷摸摸... 详情>>


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