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  • 雅思阅读素材:Why so few university slots

    雅思阅读素材:Why so few university slots GETTING into college in America has gotten considerably more difficult over time. Zubin Jelvah writes: Thanks to the positive effects of higher education on pay, the competition for entrance... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读素材:Difference Engine: Volt farce

    雅思阅读素材:Difference Engine: Volt farce FOR General Motors, a good deal of the companys recovery from its brush with bankruptcy is riding on the Chevrolet Volt (Opel or Vauxhall Ampera in Europe), its plug-in hybrid electric vehi... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读素材:No more whirly-splat

    雅思阅读素材:No more whirly-splat ALTHOUGH rare, engine failure is a stressful thing for a helicopter pilot to have to deal with. The pilot of a fixed-wing aircraft that loses power can at least rely on those wings to provide him wi... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读素材:A Drier and Hotter Future

    雅思阅读素材:A Drier and Hotter Future While I was reading William deBuyss new book, A Great Aridness, two massive dust storms reminiscent of the 1930s raged across the skies of Phoenix and of Lubbock, Texas. Newspapers blamed them... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读素材:Bodes law lives

    雅思阅读素材:Bodes law lives SO MEWHERE, the spirit of Johann Elert Bode is smiling. Bode was a German astronomer who popularised a mathematical rule, which came to be known as Bodes law, in a book published in 1772. According to Bo... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读素材: Runaway Devils Lake

    雅思阅读素材: Runaway Devils Lake Devils Lake is where I began my career as a limnologist in 1964, studying the lakes neotenic salamanders and chironomids, or midge flies. Back then, the lake covered about 80 square kilometers, had... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读素材:Reviving autopsy

    TECHNOLOGY advances not only through new inventions, but also by the imaginative application of old ones. And one of the most ancient forms of scientific investigation, the post-mortem autopsy, may be ripe for just such a technological upgr... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读模拟题精选及答案解析(1)

    雅思阅读模拟题精选及答案解析(1) From The Economist print edition 1 REFRIGERATORS are the epitome of clunky technology: solid, reliable and just a little bit dull. They have not changed much over the past century, but then... 详情>>


  • 雅思阅读模拟题精选及答案解析(2)

    雅思阅读模拟题精选及答案解析(2) 1 NEELIE KROES, the European Unions competition commissioner, did not mince her words when reporting on Europes energy markets on Wednesday January 10th. Europes energy firms have failed to... 详情>>


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