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  1. middle-year education=lower secondary school 中学

  2. format=pattern n.格式

  3. less successful student=struggler 差等生

  4. key=contributing factor=important=major=significant=critical n.关键

  5.achievement=attainment=progress=breakthrough=accomplishment n.成就

  6. spacious=largely=big=huge=vast=enormous=immense adj.广阔的

  7. adapt=accessible=get used to=become/grow accustomed to=adjust to v.适应,可接近的

  8.careful=elaborate=conscientious=thorough=meticulous=methodical adj.仔细的,精心的

  9. supplementary=assist=additional=extra=further=added=spare=more=another n.补充,帮助

  10. effort=hard work=work at=push yourself=labour n.努力

  11. correct answer=accuracy n.精确

  12. imbalance=disorder=unequal=disproportionate n.不平衡,紊乱

  13. no longer respond=resistance=fight against 抵抗

  14. cost=financial outlay=spend=charge=fare=rental=toll n.支出

  15. innate=built-in adj.先天的

  16. immunity=resistance n.免疫力

  17. entail=involve v.包含

  18. circumstance=system n.环境,系统

  19. feed on=prey on 以…为食

  20. blight=plague v.破坏

  21. wipe out=eradicate=get rid of=abolish=scrap=do away with=eliminate 根除

  22. plague=infest=troublesome v.折磨

  23. compare=determination of variation=contrast=liken=make a comparison=draw an analogy=draw a parallel v.对比

  24. criterion=identification=standard=scale n.标准,识别

  25. compatible=use both method=well-matched=be made for each other=be a perfect match /pair/couple=be right for=be ideally suited adj.兼容的

  26. specimen=individual n.标本

  27. container=plastic or glass tube n.容器

  28. wet=marshy=soaked=waterlogged=awash adj.湿的

  29. habitat=area=the environment=ecosystem=ecology n.栖息地

  30. pitfall=trap n.陷阱

  31. little time and effort is required=minimal maintenance and intervention 最小程度的维修与介入

  32. pesticide: a chemical substance used to kill insects and small animals that destroy crops n.杀虫剂

  33. preservative: a chemical substance that is used to prevent things from decaying, for example food or wood n.防腐剂



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