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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享


  Short-answer Questions 简短回答问题

  (1) What are candidates required to do? 考试要求

  This task type requires candidates to answer questions about details in the passage. Questions usually relate to factual information. Candidates must write their answers in words or numbers on the Answer Sheet.

  (2) How many words are candidates asked to write? 字数要求

  Often the instructions will state 'NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the passage', but sometimes 'ONE word', or 'NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS'. Numbers can be written using figures or words.

  (3) Are candidates penalised for writing more than the stated number of words字数限制

  Yes. If candidates write more than the number of words asked for, they will lose the mark even if their answer includes the correct word(s).

  (4) What about contractions or hyphenated words? 缩写和连字符号

  Contracted words will not be tested. Hyphenated words count as single words.

  (5) What skills are tested in this task type? 测试技能

  This task type tests candidates' ability to locate and understand precise information in the passage.

  (6) Are the questions in text order? 题目顺序

  The questions are usually arranged so that the answers appear in order in the passage.

  (7) What text type is this task type used with? 文章类型

  It is most likely to be used with a passage that contains a lot of factual information and detail.



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