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  What Is Natural Medicine

  Natural Medicine is to use the natural environment, the nature of the material itself to cure diseases and restore the health. It involves bettering one's breathing way, sunbathing, improving one's diets and so on, which play an important part in our healthcare.

  Start a Rewarding Career Today

  The Australian Institute of Applied Sciences College of Natural Medicine provides you with Nationally Recognized natural medicine courses that can be studied in the comfort of your own home, or at our Brisbane campus in the heart of Stones Corner. AIAS College of Natural Medicine has been providing accredited natural health courses for more than 20 years, and offers accredited certificate, diploma and advanced diploma level natural medicine, beauty and massage courses.

  Why Study at the Australian Institute of Applied Sciences

  With over 36 years of specialized training and 120 courses, our Natural Medicine College is Australia's longest running and most sought after training provider for Natural Medicine Education. Our art facilities, highly experienced instructors and friendly support staff make us the first choice for Distance Education and On-campus study.

  Studying at Home

  All of our courses are available to study at home. We provide all the material and support you will need to successfully complete your course.

  Benefits of Studying at Home

  ●Work at your own pace.

  ●No need to travel or relocate closer to a campus.

  ●No interruption to your existing commitments.

  ●You are still in full contact with the college via Telephone, Email and Post, so you won't be out of touch with the latest training techniques.

  1. Choose the best answer, accredited:

  ⅰ. the most excellent

  ⅱ. the highest

  ⅲ. having official approval to do something

  2. Choose the best answer, relocate:

  ⅰ. to move to a different place

  ⅱ. to go away

  ⅲ. to put sth. into the correct order

  3. You can learn how to apply science to our life at the Australian Institute of Applied Sciences College of Natural. (T/F question)________

  4. One of the reasons for your choice of going to the college is that it offers more courses than any other college. (T/F question)________

  5. You can learn massage courses in AIAS College. (T/F question)________

  6. If you take the courses at home, you are more likely to _______.

  A. focus on your own interests B. adjust your study schedules

  C. get any help from instructors D. keep up with new techniques

  Answer questions according to the passage.

  1. ⅲ 2. ⅰ 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. B



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