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  Should schools give children medicine without parental permission?


  That's the question that has been reverberating in parental circles across China after news emerged that a string of kindergartens were allegedly dispensing antiviral drugs without parents' consent.


  China's official Xinhua News Agency reported that four kindergarten programs--two in Xian in western Shaanxi province, one in central Hubei and another in northeastern Jilin--have been shut due to the problem, with some parents saying their children were suffering from leg pains, nosebleeds and genital inflammation after taking the medicine.

  据中国官方媒体新华社报道,四所幼儿园因相关问题被关闭,其中两所位于中国西部 西省西安市、一所位于华中的湖北省,还有一所在东北的吉林省,一些家长说,他们的孩子在服药后出现腿痛、流鼻血、生殖器肿胀等症状。

  Authorities are investigating the matter, and three people in Jilin have been detained in connection with the allegations, Xinhua said. Five others from schools in Xian have also been detained, Xinhua said.


  The issue came to light Friday, after one parent in Xian found her daughter had brought home a prescription flu pill. Other cases came to light as the news spread.


  Xinhua says that money appears to be a motivating factor. Some parents believe the schools were trying to ward off sickness to ensure students didn't take sick days, it said. Many private kindergartens and preschools in China charge by the number of days students attend school, so fewer sick days equals more money for the teachers.


  Others have cited the fact that there is no law prohibiting the practice as a contributing factor.



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