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  An astrophysicist from the University of California-Santa Cruz has created a formula to calculate the worth of the planet and has valued Earth at 3,000 trillion pounds.

  Professor Greg Laughlin came up with the figure by calculating the sum of the planet's age, size, temperature, mass and other vital statistics – and Earth came out as the most expensive.

  Mars was only valued at 10,000 pounds, while Venus is said to be worth less than a penny. There are about 1,235 other planets in the universe, most of which weren't given a high price tag because of their inhospitable climates.

  The planet-hunting spacecraft went into orbit two years ago and a year later Laughlin decided to create price tags for the terrestrial planets that Keplar was set to discover. At the time, the exoplanet Gilese 581 c was considered the most Earth-like world known to scientists, but the equation only valued it at 100 pounds.

  Laughlin said: "I've just always thought that the concept of an 'Earth-like planet in the habitable zone' was pretty vaguely defined, and I wanted a metric that I could plug a planet into to see whether its value was high enough to warrant media hype."

  The professor concluded that planets with a value of 60 million pounds or more are worth studying but the ones worth less aren't. He also said: "The formula makes you realise just how precious Earth is."




  两年前,美国宇航局的“开普勒”飞船进入轨道开始寻找类地行星。一年后,劳克林教授决定发明一种公式为“开普勒”发现的目标估价。当时发现的外行星Gilese 581 c被认为是已发现的最像地球的行星,然而价值公式的计算结果只有100英镑。





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