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  "Do not let what you cannot do interfere

  with what you can do."

  - John Wooden

  勿让汝之不可为贻误汝之可为。——约翰 伍森

  "People rarely succeed unless they

  have fun in what they are doing."

  - Dale Carnegie

  若不能在所做之事中寻到快乐,人便难以成功。—— 卡耐基

  "Success is a state of mind.

  If you want success, start thinking

  of yourself as a success."

  - Dr. Joyce Brothers

  成功是一种心智的状态。想成功的人们,把自己想象成一个成功者吧!—— 乔伊斯(美国心理学家)

  "The difference between the impossible

  and the possible lies in a

  person's determination."

  - Tommy Lasorda

  可能和不可能, 取决于人的决心。—— 汤米(美国垒球运动员)

  "What we think or what we know or w

  hat we believe is, in the end, of little consequence.

  The only consequence is what we do."

  - John Ruskin

  我们知道什么、信仰什么, 本质上并不重要。重要的是:我们做了什么。—— 约翰 罗斯基(英国文学评论家)

  "Always bear in mind that your own resolution

  to succeed is more important

  than any other one thing."

  - Abraham Lincoln

  永远记住:你对成功的坚定信念是万事之中最重要之事。—— 林肯

  "Energy is the essence of life. Every day you

  decide how you're going to use it by knowing

  what you want and what it takes to reach

  that goal, and by maintaining focus."

  - Oprah Winfrey

  精力是生命的精华。每天,你根据如下方法分配精力: 了解你的目标和达到目标的必要条件,并保持精力集中。—— 奥佩拉(著名电视主持人)



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