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  I'm thinking about this question lately: what is the most important skill we need to have? What kind of skill do we need most in this kind of world? To answer it, I guess we need to see what the main characteristicof our world is.


  What words will you use to describe this world? For me, there are two words which come to my mind: changeand speed. The world is changing and it is changing at increasing speed.


  Since we are now living in that kind of world, I once thought that the most important skill is the ability to learn quickly. Of course it contains truth: to be able to keep up with this world we need to learn quickly. This way we can quickly adapt to new changes whenever they occur.


  But later I thought that the ability to learn quickly alone is not enough. The world is changing so fast that even those who can learn quickly may not be able to keep up. There's one more thing required: the ability to choose what to learn. This way we won't waste our time learning something which is not useful. We learn only those things which are the most effectivefor us. The number of new things to learn is huge that choosing which one to learn becomes increasingly difficult. Mastering the art of choosing what to learn is valuablebecause it will save our time – not to say our entire career.


  So to summarize, I think this is the most important skill we need to have: the ability to choose what to learn and to learn them quickly. If we master this skill, we will be ready to face whatever new wavescoming in our way.



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