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  After Pinochet overthrew the elected far-left government of Salvador Allende, almost 3,000 people were murdered or disappeared, 29,000 were imprisoned (nearly all of them were tortured) and some 200,000 sought refuge abroad. Mr Lagos, an academic economist, was an adviser to the Allende government but not a member of it. After the coup, he taught in the United States, before returning to Chile in 1978. He played a prominent role in coaxing into existence a broad centre-left front, called the Concertación. He disagreed with the far-left over its refusal to rule out violence against the regime. That didn't spare him from being detained for 18 days after a failed assassination attempt against Pinochet by communists.

  皮诺切特****了极左的民选萨尔瓦多·阿连德政府之后,有近3000人被杀害或失踪,29000人被监禁,几乎所有被监禁的人都受到了折磨,还有大约20万人到国外避难。理论经济学家拉各斯是阿连德政府的顾问,不是政府成员。 政变后他在美国任教,直到1978年才回到智利。 争取民主联盟是智利明显中间偏左的阵线,拉各斯在耐心成立它的过程中发挥了突出作用。他不赞成极左派采取暴力抵抗政权。 共产党人企图暗杀皮诺切特失败后,这点并未让他免于十八天的拘留。

  In the first of its two decades in power the Concertación had to govern in Pinochet's shadow. That was changed by the dictator's arrest in London in October 1998 at the request of a Spanish magistrate; by the Chilean Supreme Court's decision to lift his immunity and by the revelation that he had stolen $30m. As president, Mr Lagos oversaw a national dialogue about the past that saw the army own up to its abuses and apologise for them. He is surely right that the process of reconciliation, of finding out the truth about what happened and punishing the abusers where possible, required both time and political determination.

  争取民主联盟执政二十年,起初不得不在皮诺切特的阴影下进行统治。 1998年10月应一位西班牙法官的要求,独裁者皮诺切特在伦敦被捕, 智利最高法院决定解除他的豁免权,他侵占3000万美元一事也被披露,这些改变了这种局面。 过去军队承认滥用并为此道歉,作为总统,拉各斯监督有关这段过去的全国对话。他无疑是正确的,找出所发生事情的真相,并在可能的情况下惩罚滥用者,这样的和解进程既需要时间又需要政治决心。



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