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  Off went the teachers.

  Ahead sat an old woman.

  Out rushed the boys.


  Little did we expect that he would fulfill his task so rapidly.

  No sooner do I get one problem settled before another appears.

  Never before have we made so great achievement in science and technology.

  Not until dark did he got home.

  (2)当含有否定含义的短语(in no way/in vain/at no time and no case/by no means An no sense/under no circumstances/on no account[决不,总不],etc.)置于句首时,引起部分倒装

  In no way can Mike be held responsible. (不管怎么说,麦克都不能负责。)

  In no case do I want to argue with you.(我在任何情况下都不想和你争吵。)

  In vain did we try to persuade him to give up smoking. (我们都没有办法劝他戒烟。)

  On no account should any money be given to a small kid.

  By no means are we satisfied with the success we have achieved.

  At no time and under no circumstances will China be the first to use nuclear weapons.

  (3)当频度状语(often/always/once/many a time/now and again/every other day/every two hours)等及方式状语"thus"等置于句首时,引起部分倒装

  Thus was the Emperor deceived.

  Many a time has he helped me with my English.

  Often had I intended to speak of it.(我曾多次打算谈谈那件事情。)

  (4)由并列连接词“not only…but also”;"neither…nor"连接句子时。如果"not only"或"neither"置于句首,句子要部分倒装

  Neither will he study nor go to school.

  Not only did I forger to close the window, but also I forget to lock the door.

  Hardly had he arrived when she heard the telephone ring.

  No sooner had we gone home than it began to rain heavily.


  Only in the street did I meet him.

  Only then did he realize the importance of learning English.


  Should it rain tomorrow, I shall stay at home.

  (8)当“So…that”中的“so”位于句首时,引起部分倒装;如果谓语为“be”,则引起全部倒装。其构成倒装的基本结构为"So+形容词/情态动词/to be十主语"

  So fast did he run that I couldn't keep up with him.

  So loudly did he speak that students at the back heard him clearly.

  Published as it was at such a time, his work attracted much attention.



  His promise you can rely on.

  The question we have already discussed at some length.

  A very reliable person she is.

  Terribly cold it certainly was.

  Two years ago that was.


  More serious was the question of how the president would present the joint announcement.


  You should leave to us what you haven't finished.

  Please translate into English the following sentences.

  The site of the battle brought back to him memories of the Anti-Japanese War.

  I tore into little pieces a small notebook with questions that I'd prepared in advance for interviews.



  There is a labeler the handle with my name and address on it.

  Word came that a typhoon had hit several cities along the coast.

  A new book will come out on how to memorize words in a scientific way.



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