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  1)常见的这类动词有:"act,add up,clean,compare,count,cook,draw,fill,iron,keep,let,look,make up,milk,kill,open,photograph,prove,read,sell,smoke,spoil"等。

  The window won’t open.(这扇窗户打不开。)

  The cow milks well.(这头牛出奶率很高。)

  Damp wood will not fire.(湿木不易燃烧。)

  She doesn’t photograph well.(她不上相。)

  His judgment proved wrong.(他的判断是错的。)

  It turned out fine that day.(结果那天天气很好。)

  How did his coat catch on a nail? (他的衣服怎么钩到钉子上了?)

  2)实用动词"need/want/deserve/require +V-ing(动名词)"形式表示被动意义。

  My hair needs cutting。.

  The bike wants repairing.

  There is nothing to worry about.

  ②不定式修饰want, have等动词的宾语,而句中的主语同时又不是不定式的逻辑主语时:

  I want some clothes to wash.

  Do you have anything to say for yourself?


  His sister gave him a bike to ride.

  It is believed/thought that this medicine works well.

  It is required(of)him that he give the evidence.(要求我提供证据)

  It is feared that he could not come here.

  It is estimated that a flight to Shanghai would take more than one hour.

  It is often realized that women held a high social position in the Southern European societies in the 10th and llth centuries.

  (3) "get + p.p.(动词的过去分词)"表示被动:


  Did the question get answered?

  A Boeing 747 got crashed last week.

  The house is getting painted/repaired.

  误:He got born in 1976.

  正:He was born in 1976.

  误:The stow got written by him.

  正:The story Was writ.ten by him.

  误:The conference got being held in London.

  正:The conference is being held in London.


  Frank was brought up by his aunt.

  The babies are well looked after.

  The meeting Was put off.

  The salesman was put out by Mr..Wilson’s question.



  The wall Was painted white.(We painted the wal1 white.)

  He is regarded as smart (We regarded him as smart.)

  The house was found empty.(We found the house empty.)

  He Was heard to play the guitar in the next door.

  (I heard him play the guitar in the next door)



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