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  Did you know that eating just one extra cookieevery day during the holiday season could cause youto gain one pound? That may not sound like much,but 10 years from now you would weigh ten poundsmore than you do right now -- that is, if you keepthe rest of your diet the same, and that is asking alot during the holiday season. Many people gain fourto five pounds this time of year because of the temptation of delicious treats and extravagantdinners.

  你知道吗?假日每天多吃一块饼干会使你的体重至少增加一磅!这也许 听上去不多,但是想想十年后你将比现在重十磅。而这也是在你不增加其他食物的前提下,这在假日期间是很难做到的。所以大部分人因为抵制不住美食的诱惑, 每年这个时候体重会增加4到5磅。

  The holiday season is a time filled with parties, family gatherings and lots of food, but with alittle help, you can keep from eating too much during the holidays. If you continue to eat ahealthy and nutritious diet, you will feel better and have more energy to enjoy the season.


  1、Don't Skip Meals

  Many people believe that if they skip breakfast or lunch, they can save up all of thosecalories for the holiday party that night. That sounds like a good idea, but skipping meals canmake you crabby, tired and maybe even leave you with a headache that just might ruin yourevening festivities. Plus, when you are really hungry and surrounded by high-calorie holidaytreats, you may very easily turn into a raving eating-machine and consume many more caloriesthan the ones you skipped earlier in the day.

  Don't skip meals; just eat sensibly. A bowl of whole grain cereal and low-fat milk forbreakfast, a mid-morning snack of raisins and nuts, followed by a healthy lunch with a big salador a sandwich made with whole grain bread will keep your body and your brain fueledthroughout the day.




  2、Eat High-Fiber Foods Before the Party

  When you have a party to attend, snack on some fiber-filled foods just before you go. Fiberhelps you to feel full, and if you aren't feeling so hungry, you might not eat so much at theparty. Choose foods like low-calorie vegetables, a small salad, a piece of fresh fruit, or a smallbowl of oatmeal.



  3、Eat Small Amounts of the Foods You Love

  No one wants to feel deprived, so go ahead and take a small piece of pie or one cookie—butnot both. Look over the buffet or the serving table, and pick out one thing that you really wouldlove to enjoy. The rest of your plate can be filled with healthy vegetables and fruits, whole graincrackers, cheese and lean meats.



  4、Don't Hang Around the Buffet

  It isn't easy to resist the delicious foods you find on a buffet at a party, so get away fromthe table. Choose your foods and your drink and move to a different part of the room. As theysay, out of sight, out of mind. At the very least you will have to think about what you are doingbefore filling your plate again and again.



  5、Pace Yourself

  When friends and family gather at a meal, the food is usually piled high on most everyone'splate. You wolf down the first plate and pick out more of your favorites to gobble down assecond helpings.

  Slow down. It takes a few minutes for your brain to realize your stomach is getting full, andyou can eat a lot of extra food in those few minutes. You don't need a giant mound of food, soplace small portions on your plate. Set your fork down between bites and sip some water. Relaxand enjoy the flavor of each mouthful. Chew each bite thoroughly before you swallow. Savoreach moment with your friends, your family and this wonderful food, but remember it is a meal,not a race to see who can eat the fastest.



  慢 点吃,因为人的脑子要过好几分钟才能从胃部得到“吃饱了”的信号,那几分钟足够你多吃好多食物。你的盘子里面不要放太多的食物,放一小盘就好。时不时的停 下喝些水,放松一下,细细品味每一口。吞咽之前记得要好好咀嚼。好好品味与家人朋友的聚会,记住这只是一顿饭而已,并不是在比赛谁吃得快。

  6、Drink Plenty of Water

  Many people believe that mild dehydration may feel like hunger, and the best way to avoidbecoming dehydrated to drink plenty of water. You can also use water to slow down your eatingby taking a sip or two between bites. Have a glass or two of water before you start drinkingalcoholic beverages, and have one in between drinks to slow down your alcohol consumptionas well. (Not only can cocktails be high in calories, but overindulging in alcohol can lower yourawareness of how much you're eating.)


  很 多人相信,哪怕是轻微的缺水也会让人感到饥饿,最好的办法就是多喝水。而吃东西的时候停下喝一小口水,也会减慢进食速度。在喝含酒精的饮料之前,喝一两杯 水为好,每两杯酒之前最好也要喝一杯水,减少你的酒精摄入。(不仅仅是因为鸡尾酒有极高的热量,而且醉酒之后你常常会意识不到自己已经吃饱了)

  7、Keep Healthy Snacks at Work

  Keep some healthy snacks on hand when coworkers start bringing in holiday treats. Thesetreats are always tasty but rarely healthy. Snack on nuts, raisins, fresh fruit or energy barsinstead so that your snack calories provide you with good nutrition. If you are going toindulge in a holiday goody, make sure it's not an everyday add-on.



  8、Keep Exercising

  Exercise is a great way to control your weight, your blood pressure and exercise adds toyour good health by reducing stress and keeping your muscles and bones in good shape.Although the holidays are a hectic time, keep your exercise routines going to help ensure thatthe occasional treat won't land permanently on your thighs or belly. Even if you are so busythat you have to cut your workout time in half, continuing to work out keeps you in theexercise habit. Once you quit your exercise routine, it can be very difficult to start up again --nevermind the weight you can gain from taking a hiatus.


  体育锻炼是很好的控制体重的办法,并且有助于减压和保持体型。虽然节日很忙碌,但也别忘了坚持锻炼,哪怕小肚子和腿上多了一些”小肉肉“,也能让它们及时消 失。如果太忙,就把锻炼时间减半,起码可以保持锻炼的好习惯。一旦停止锻炼,再想开始就难了,更别说一停下来你的体重就会增加。

  9、Decide What to Buy Before You Go Into That Shop

  You know how tempting it is to walk into a coffee or candy shop. That temptation seemsto double itself during the holiday season. You may think you are going into the coffee shop fora cup of coffee, but when you see that delicious mocha with whipped cream and peppermintsprinkles, you suddenly decide you need that one instead.

  When you go into a coffee shop, decide what you want before you go in and stick to it.Just order your coffee and get out of there -- fast. Same thing goes for the candy shop. Doyou really want a small square of dark chocolate? That's fine, just go into the shop, buy oneand enjoy it. Don't go in and buy three truffles, a peanut butter cup and two caramel andpecan turtles.


  你 知道,进入一家咖啡店或者糖果店是多大的诱惑。节日期间,这种诱惑似乎增长了一倍,在进一家咖啡店之前,你也许只是想喝杯咖啡,但是当你看到一杯上等摩 卡,加上奶油和薄荷糖点缀,你会觉得来一杯也不错。走进咖啡店之前,你最好清楚自己要买什么,进去后点杯咖啡然后快速离开!进糖果店也是一样。想吃一小块 黑森林蛋糕?进店买一块就好,千万别顺带着买了三块,加上奶油花生杯甚至两块焦糖和胡桃巧克力。

  10、Don't Beat Yourself Up, Just Get Back to Healthy Eating

  It is difficult to avoid overeating during the holidays. If you do slip up now and then, don'tbeat yourself up for it. Be good to yourself. Remember that maintaining a healthy dietthroughout the holidays takes practice. Forgive yourself and make sure your next meal or snackis a healthy one.





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