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  Crisis! Fresh Water

  You should spend about 20 minutes on Question 1-13 which are based on Reading Passage below.


  As in New Delhi and Phoenix, policymakers worldwide wield great power over how water resources are managed. Wise use of such power will become increasingly important as the years go by because the world's demand for freshwater is currently overtaking its ready supply in many places, and this situation shows no sign of abating.


  That the problem is well-known makes it no less disturbing: today one out of six people, more than a billion, suffer inadequate access to safe freshwater. By 2025, according to data released by the United Nations, the freshwater resources of more than half the countries across the globe will undergo either stress—for example, when people increasingly demand more water than is available or safe for use —or outright shortages. By midcentury as much as three quarters of the earth's population could face scarcities of freshwater.


  Scientists expect water scarcity to become more common in large part because the world's population is rising and many people are getting richer (thus expanding demand) and because global climate change is exacerbating aridity and reducing supply in many regions. What is more, many water sources are threatened by faulty waste disposal, releases of industrial pollutants, fertilizer runoff and coastal influxes of saltwater into aquifers as groundwater is depleted.


  Because lack of access to water can lead to starvation, disease, political instability and even armed conflict, failure to take action can have broad and grave consequences. Fortunately, to a great extent, the technologies and policy tools required to conserve existing freshwater and to secure more of it are known among which several seem particularly effective. What is needed now is action. Governments and authorities at every level have to formulate and execute concrete plans for implementing the political, economic and technological measures that can ensure water security now and in the coming decades.


  The world's water problems requires, as a start, an understanding of how much freshwater each person requires, along with knowledge of the factors that impede supply and increase demand in different parts of the world. Malin Falkenmark of the Stockholm International Water Institute and other experts estimate that, on average, each person on the earth needs a minimum of 1,000 cubic meters (m3) of water .The minimum water each person requires for drinking, hygiene and growing food. The volume is equivalent to two fifths of an Olympic-size swimming pool.


  Much of the Americas and northern Eurasia enjoy abundant water supplies. But several regions are beset by greater or lesser degrees of "physical" scarcity —whereby demand exceeds local availability. Other areas, among them Central Africa, parts of the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia, contend with "economic" water scarcity, where lack of technical training, bad governments or weak finances limit access even though sufficient supplies are available.


  More than half of the precipitation that falls on land is never available for capture or storage because it evaporates from the ground or transpires from plants; this fraction is called green water. The remainder channels into so-called blue-water sources—rivers, lakes, wetlands and aquifers—that people can tap directly. Farm irrigation from these free-flowing bodies is the biggest single human use of freshwater. Cities and industries consume only tiny amounts of total freshwater resources, but the intense local demand they create often drains the surroundings of ready supplies.


  Lots of Water, but not always where it is needed one hundred and ten thousand cubic kilometers of precipitation, nearly 10 times the volume of Lake Superior, falls from the sky onto the earth's land surface every year. This huge quantity would be enough to easily fulfill the requirements of everyone on the planet if the water arrived where and when people needed it. But much of it cannot be captured (top), and the rest is distributed unevenly (bottom). Green water (61.1% of total precipitation*): absorbed by soil and plants, then released back into the air; unavailable for withdrawal. Blue water (38.8% of total precipitation*): collected in rivers, lakes, wetlands and groundwater; available for withdrawal before it evaporates or reaches the ocean. These figures may not add up to 100% because of rounding. Only 1.5% is directly used by people.


  Waters run away in tremendous wildfires in recent years. The economic actors had all taken their share reasonably enough; they just did not consider the needs of the natural environment, which suffered greatly when its inadequate supply was reduced to critical levels by drought. The members of the Murray-Darling Basin Commission are now frantically trying to extricate themselves from the disastrous results of their misallocation of the total water resource. Given the difficulties of sensibly apportioning the water supply within a single nation, imagine the complexities of doing so for international river basins such as that of the Jordan River, which borders on Lebanon, Syria, Israel, the Palestinian areas and Jordan, all of which have claims to the shared, but limited, supply in an extremely parched region. The struggle for freshwater has contributed to civil and military disputes in the area. Only continuing negotiations and compromise have kept this tense situation under control.

  Questions 1-5

  Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1? In boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet, write

  TRUE if the statement is true

  FALSE if the statement is false

  NOT GIVEN if the information is not given in the passage

  1. The prospect for the need for the freshwater worldwide is obscure.

  2. To some extent, the challenge for the freshwater is alleviated by the common recognition.

  3. Researchers arrive at the water crisis based on persuasive consideration of several factors.

  4. The fact that people do not actually cherish the usage of water also contributes to the water scarcity.

  5. Controversy can't be avoided for adjacent nations over the water resource.

  Questions 6-10

  The reading Passage has eleven paragraphs A-I

  Which paragraph contains the following information?

  Write the correct letter A-I, in boxes 6-10 on your answer sheet

  NB you may use any letter more than once

  6. the uneven distribution of water around the world

  7. other factors regarding nature bothering people who make the policies

  8. joint efforts needed to carry out the detailed solutions combined with various aspects

  9. no always-in-time match available between the requirements and the actual rainfall

  10. the lower limit of the amount of freshwater for a person to survive

  Questions 11-13


  Complete the following summary of the paragraphs of Reading Passage, using No More than Three words from the Reading Passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 11-13 on your answer sheet.

  Many severe problems like starvation and military actions etc. result from the shortage of water which sometimes for some areas seems 11 because of unavailability but other regions suffer other kind of scarcity for insufficient support. 12 of the rainfall can't be achieved because of evaporation. Some other parts form the 13 which can be used immediately. Water to irrigate the farmland takes a considerable amount along with the use for cities and industries and the extended need from the people involved.











  全球水资源问题首先需要解决的是了解每个人需要的淡水量以及在世界不同地方阻碍淡水供应和增加淡水需求的因素。斯德哥尔摩国际水资源研究所的Malin Falkenmark等专家估计,平均而言,地球上的每个人至少需要1000立方米的水。每个人所需要的最基本的水包括饮用水,卫生用水和种植粮食用水。这个里相当于一个奥林匹克规模的游泳池所蓄水的五分之二。


  大部分美洲和欧亚大陆北部享受丰宫的水供应。但是,一些地区的“物理”稀 缺性使得需求超过当地可提供的量,使得这些地区或多或少地受到水资源问题的困扰。其他地区,像非洲中部,印度次大陆和东南亚的部分地区,要应对“经济型”缺水,那里缺乏技术培训,政府不力或较弱的财政支持使得即使有足够的供应依然面临水资源短缺的问题。









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