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  ● 题目:

  Taree offers the Veterinary Assistant program and has introduced 'Agristudy', which enables students to learn flexibly and by correspondence, using a mixture of student learning guides, telephone tuorials, information sessions and workshops. (剑4, General Training Test B section2)

  ● 分析:

  本句主句为“Taree offers the Veterinary Assistant program and has introduced 'Agristudy'”, “which enables students to learn flexibly and by correspondence, using a mixture of student learning guides, telephone tuorials, information sessions and workshops”为定语从句,做'Agristudy'的定语,关系词为which。

  ● 题目:

  For his astonishing achievements he was awarded the Nobel Prize and it is from his work that most of today's knowledge of what bees say to each other derives. (剑4, General Training Test B section3)

  ● 分析:

  本句为并列句,“For his astonishing achievements he was awarded the Nobel Prize”和“it is from his work that most of today's knowledge of what bees say to each other derives”并列,由and连接,并且“it is from his work that most of today's knowledge of what bees say to each other derives”为强调句式;“what bees say to each other”为what引导的宾语从句,做of的宾语。



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