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  *注:本文选自11月2日BBC News

  The 'romance scammers' cashing in on lockdown loneliness


  Lockdown isolation has been a boon for the con artists and catfishers targeting lonely Hong Kong women.


  1. When Yvonne left the bank in Hong Kong, she couldn't stop smiling. She was genuinely happy to be giving a helping hand to her British boyfriend. She hadn't yet met him, but after a month of intense emailing and a few romantic calls, the boyfriend, who said he was the operation manager on a South American oil drill, had promised to fly over to meet Yvonne in person. However, before he did, he said he needed money for essential rig parts. She happily transferred HK$40,000 (US$5,160, £3,900).


  2. But, soon after, the 'boyfriend' asked for another transfer. Yvonne, a 55-year-old hospitality worker, who requested to withhold her surname for privacy, realised that her online date was nothing more than a con artist. “He told me that his daughter had an accident and needed to raise money for surgery. That's way too dramatic, and I finally woke up!”


  3. Yvonne is hardly alone in falling prey to online romance scams in Hong Kong. According to data from the Hong Kong police, 681 people in the territory were duped out of their savings between January and September this year. It's more than a 50% jump from last year's figures.


  4. The catfishers usually provide a fa?ade of an exotic romance, in which they pose as soldiers, merchants or professionals on social media. They study their victims' personal information carefully, before using it to strike up a text conversation with them in English. After intense texting, “fraudsters and victims will develop into a closer relationship: cyber lovers,” says a Hong Kong police spokesperson. Victims are then asked to transfer money to overseas bank accounts for scammers' business purposes, financial difficulties and even requests for customs clearance fees for romantic gifts. “Usually, the victims and the fraudsters have never seen each other.”


  5. The pandemic has increased this risk. With remote working becoming more common this year, many people have become lonelier and grown more desperate for connection. A November study showed “a dire situation with respect to mental health”, with more than 65% of respondents reporting clinical levels of depression, anxiety and stress.


  6. These changes have provided an unexpected boon for catfishers, according to Hong Kong-based dating and relationship coach Valentina Tudose. “For con artists, Covid-19 has been a great opportunity. They can say that they are stuck in quarantine or another city so they cannot meet in person. [The victims] can't challenge them easily like before.”

  香港的约会和恋爱教练Valentina Tudose表示,疫情期间的远程办公以及女性孤独给这些骗子创造了机会。“对于骗子来说,新冠疫情是一个大好机会。他们可以骗他们的网恋对象说由于疫情隔离,他们没法线下见面。受害者也不会对此产生怀疑。”

  When women feel like they are looking for that missing piece, they become emotionally very vulnerable – Kitty


  7. “My career was going great, but my love life is empty,” says Kitty, who requests anonymity due to her career. “Sometimes I feel imbalanced, old and vulnerable. When women feel like they are looking for that missing piece, they become emotionally very vulnerable, and tend to turn blind if people seem nice to them. Some are scared of loneliness.”


  8. That loneliness has been a pervasive theme of 2020. And it increasingly looks like many of the changes the pandemic has brought may endure, with many continuing to work from home, and fewer opportunities to travel and socialise. This could only increase the potential pool for romance scammers like those who preyed on Yvonne.


  9. After being scammed and having several other encounters with online dates asking for money, Yvonne has lost confidence in online dating. She says she no longer believes any profiles, and has stopped online dating for good.


  10. She advises women looking to date online to believe a man's words only after they meet him in person. Kitty suggests a fundamental change in Hong Kong women's dating mindset. “Don't fall head over heels too soon. I learnt how to focus on myself much more after having so many difficulties in my love life. It's better than looking for someone to complete me,” says Kitty. "I started using online dating to look for my 'missing piece', but there's none. We are all already complete.”

  她忠告那些想要网恋的女性,要在线下见面之后,才相信那些网恋对象。 基蒂说,香港女性的约会心态发生了根本性的变化。“不要太快神魂颠倒。在爱情中遭遇这么多挫折之后,我学会如何爱自己。这比找到自己缺失的另一半重要得多。我之前利用网络来寻找自己缺失的那一半,但是没找到。我们其实并没有缺失什么。”









  cash in on 乘机利用;靠……赚钱


  She cashed in on her real-estate investments.


  operation manager 运营经理;业务经理


  Ex-marine Joel Smith is operation manager for Humane Borders. It's a non-profit humanitarian organization based in Tucson, Arizona.


  fly over飞过;飞越;飘扬;在上空飞过


  Dust and sand from China fly over here.


  in person亲自, 亲身


  The winner will be there in person to collect the prize.


  rig/r?g/ n. 船桅(或船帆等)的装置;成套器械vt. 给(船、桅杆)装配帆及索具;用临时替代材料迅速搭起;(用不正当手段)操纵, 垄断


  They rigged out their daughter in her best dress.


  transfer/tr?ns'f??/ n. 转移;转让;过户;传递v. 转移;转让;转学;换车


  His employer transferred him to another office.


  hospitality/h?sp?'t?l?t?/ n. 殷勤, 好客;(提供给客人的)食宿招待


  I received the hospitality of the family.


  con artist骗子;以花言巧语骗人的人;过上了舒适懒散生活的人


  Trump returned an insult by calling Rubio, a “lightweight” and “a real con artist.”


  scam/sk?m/ n. 诈骗;诡计v. 欺诈;诓骗


  And today the fastest-growing scams are not connected to drugs.


  dupe/dju?p/n. 上当者;易受骗的人vt. 欺骗;愚弄

  dupe out of骗


  He was duped into telling them everything.



  fa?ade /f?'sɑ:d/ n. <建>(房屋的)正面;假象;外观


  The facade is so beautiful but the foundations are far from solid.


  exotic /?g'z?t?k/ adj. 由外国引进的, 非本地的;奇异的, 醒目的, 吸引人的


  He likes the bird with exotic plumage.


  strike up开始演奏;开始(交谈); 建立起(友谊等)


  We immediately struck up a lively conversation.




  The American Bank J. P. Morgan Chase has agreed to pay $1.7bn to victims of the convicted fraudster Bernie Madoff.


  cyber lover网络情人;网络恋人

  desperate for 渴望


  But many people remain desperate for help.


  dire/'da??/ adj. 可怕的, 恐怖的


  The family is in dire need.


  quarantine /'kw?r?nti?n/ n. (人或动物生病之后被隔离的)检疫期vt. 对…进行检疫隔离


  The ship is still in rigorous quarantine.


  pervasive/p?'ve?s?v/ adj. 无处不在的;遍布的;充斥各处的


  The odour of chocolate was pervasive in the room.


  mindset /'maindset/ n. 心态;倾向;习惯;精神状态


  And we can actually change students' mindsets.


  fall head over heels坠入爱河


  I fall head over heels in love.




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