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  1. The work that Tim Pons and his colleagues published last week is basic research into the portion of the brain, the cortex, that one scientist says is "responsible for all the interesting things we do".

  剖析:在这个长句中, 共有两个定语从句, 第一句是that...last week, 第二句是that...we do. 另外, 这里还出现一个同位语结构the cortex, 以及一个插入成分one scientist says(不影响语序)。所以, 经过分析后的句子应为: The work that Tim Pons and his colleagues published last week is basic research into the portion of the brain, the cortex, that one scientist says is "responsible for all the interesting things we do".

  2. An alternative measure used by Andronikou is the "contact ratio", which is the inverse of tourism density, that is the ratio of the local population to tourist population.

  剖析: 这里也有两个定语从句, 分别由which is 和that is 带起。此外, 这里还有一个 过去分词短语used by Andronikou, 分析后如下: An alternative measure used by Andronikou is the "contact ratio", which is the inverse of tourism density, that is the ratio of the local population to tourist population.



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