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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  我们来关注一下雅思阅读完成句子题。这种题目的题型要求是每个题目都是一个陈述句,但留有一个或两个空格,要求根据原文填空。目前考试中,绝大部分的题目要求中有字数限制,一般有如下几种表达方式:(1) no more than two/three/four words (不超过2/3/4 个字) ;(2)one or two words (一个或两个字);(3)use a maximum of two words(最多两个字)。有字数限制的,一定要严格按照要求去做,必须满足要求。少部分的题目要求中没有字数限制,这时,请注意,答案字数也不会很长,一般不会超过四个字。这种题型的解题方法和短问答类似,但比较问答要准。难度在于题目中的关键词和原文中的相应词对应不明显,考试中,A类一般是每次必考,考一组,共三题左右。G类一般是两次考一次,考一组,共三题左右。



  原文:……in addition to basic residence fees,most universities make minor additional charges for items such as registration fees,damage deposits,and power charges

  题目:……as well as the basic college residence fees, additional charges are usually made,but are describes as_______________________. 有的同学可能会答registration fees,damage deposits,and power charges,因为字数太多,所以应首先怀疑是错误的。正确答案应为minor additional charges。 4. 答案绝大部分是名词短语。所填答案绝大部分是名词短语,对应原文相应句子的宾语。也有少数题目的答案是形容词短语或副词短语。5. 要特别注意顺序性。由于这种题型定位比较难,所以要特别注意顺序性的运用。一道题若找了很长时间、很多段落也没有找到答案,可能是因为题目中的关键词和原文中的相应词对应不明显,答案位置已经过去。可以先做下一道题。这种题型比较难,所以通常出现为一篇文章的第二种或第三种题型。它与前面的题型也构成顺序性,即这种题型第一题的答案位置绝大部分应在前一种题型的最后一题的答案位置之后。


  文章内容: This argument, of course, ignores the true nature of public communication and the nature of the occasions in which it occurs. When we engage with people we do not know well to solve problems, share understanding and perspectives, advocate viewpoints, or seek stimulation, we are engaged in public speaking. Public communication is a familiar, daily activity that occurs in the streets, in restaurants, in board rooms, courtrooms, parks, factories and meeting. Public communication is usually situation-specific and ephemeral. Most audiences do well if they remember as much as 40 per cent of what a speaker says immediately after the speaker concludes; even less is retained as time goes by. This fact is both reassuring and challenging to the public communicator. On the one hand, it suggests that there is room for human error in making public pronouncements; on the other hand, it challenges the public speaker to be as informed as possible and to strive to defeat the poor listening habits of most public audiences.



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