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  Poor students or students who come from rural areas often find it is difficult to get access to the university education, so some people think universities should make it easier for them to study at. To what extent do you agree or disagree?穷学生或者从农村来的学生经常发现很难接触大学教育,因此有些人认为大学应该让这类学生更容易考上。你在何种程度上同意或者不同意这个观点?

  I agree with the statement that universities should take a step forward and provide access to education to those from rural backgrounds and those who cannot afford it. In the following paragraphs I intend to discuss why this needs to be done and suggest ways how universities can help.

  The main reason why universities should help the disadvantaged sections of the society is that this would help to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor. It is a well known fact that higher education raises the level of people both socially and economically. The students of rural backgrounds may not be able to compete with their urban counterparts for entrance to universities. Competition is very stiff nowadays and cut-off rates for engineering, medical and commerce courses is very high.

  Another well known fact is that university education is very expensive and is out of the reach of many. Many students from poor backgrounds do not get tertiary education for want of money and so join some job after secondary school. This is very detrimental for their future because they remain at the same level of earning for their whole lives and so cannot progress in life. Even their future generations remain underprivileged.

  Universities can help in many ways. They can introduce a rural quota which can help the deserving rural students. Funding can be provided to poor deserving students. Interest free loans which can be returned after the completion of education can be provided to the students. Many leading universities are already doing all that for the needy students. Universities can also provide online and distance education courses at very nominal fees to such students.

  To put it in a nutshell, I pen down saying that universities should help the poor and rural students because it will reduce inequality among the people and raise the level of the nation as a whole.



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