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  Exposure to international media, such as TV, film and magazine, has a significant impact on the local culture. What do you think the impact has been? Do you agree that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?



  1. 新媒体的主要影响在于它很大程度上重构着每一个本土文化。举例,受到互联网和全球时尚杂志的影响,在中国,人们更喜欢西方风格的牛仔裤,T恤和西装了,而不是传统的丝绸衣服。此外,受到网络视频和电影中极限运动的影响和刺激,今天的中国年轻一点最喜欢的运动就是攀岩,自行车速降,蹦极,而不是传统的武术。

  2. 新媒体会导致文化入侵。举例,在互联网,电视和电影的作用下,一个全球流行文化迅速地传播,并且会统治当地社会。举例,麦当劳,好莱坞电影,在线游戏,社交网络以已经吸引了年轻人所有的时间和注意力。这让他们对于本地的传统缺乏兴趣。


  Nowadays, the trend of international media overwhelming worldwide has been a heated social issue in debate. Personally, I think exposure to the global media has substantial influences on the local country, and its overall impact is negative, to the cultural extent.

  Firstly, the main impact of international media on the local culture is that this trend is reshaping and substituting traditional elements, specifically, encompassing patterns of behaviors, religious beliefs, values, customs, food, clothing, lifestyle, social norms and morals, sports, arts and architectures. For example, in China today, cheongsam, traditional silk-made clothes of females, has been gradually replaced with the western-style dresses, jeans, tailored suits and trendy fashions, due to the advertisement campaigns of international famous brands on the Internet or global fashion magazines. Another typical example is the change on leisure activities. Compared with Chinese traditional exercise like Tai Chi Quan, a kind of kungfu with slow movement, pictures and videos about foreign extreme games on the Internet and Hollywood movies are more impressive and attractive. Expectedly, skateboarding, rock climbing and bungee jumping have been the most favored outdoor activities among the youth.

  What is more, this trend is risky, for the reason that such cultural invasion will endanger the survival of local culture. In a multi-cultural society, the local culture always fades, because of the high attraction of foreign ones. For example, during the process of cultural mergence, a whole China is monopolized with the exotic cultural items, from food of MacDonald to movies of Hollywood, from fashions of Paris to animations of Japan. In a long term, there would be a misunderstanding among the public that the global pop culture is superior to the local culture in China. Adversely, young generations would fail to respect and appreciate their own culture. In a long term, the national identities of China will go into extinction, because of the lack of popularity and protection.

  In conclusion, this trend causes cultural mixture, replacement, competition, as well as the possibility of the death of the local culture. Therefore, the international media should be restricted, in order to keep the diversity of cultures.



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