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  You and your family are moving to another country, and you are looking for rented accommodation there. Write a letter to a property agent. In your letter

  introduce yourself and your family

  describe the type of accommodation that you hope to find

  give your preference for the location of the accommodation


  Dear Sir or Madam,

  I am writing to ask for your help finding accommodation in Australia. My name is Mark Smith, and I am married with two young children. A recent promotion at work has meant that I will soon be based in Sydney instead of London, and so we are hoping to emigrate as soon as possible.

  Our plan is to find rented accommodation for at least the first year of our stay in Australia. Ideally, we would like a detached house with three or four bedrooms and a good-sized garden so that the children have somewhere to run around.

  We would prefer a quiet, suburban location within easy commuting distance of the city centre. The local schools are an important consideration, and we would like to be close to shops and other amenities.

  I hope you can help us with our house search, and I look forward to hearing from you.

  Yours faithfully,

  Mark Smith(157)



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