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  People have different job expectations for jobs. Some people prefer to do the same job for the same company, whereas others prefer to change jobs frequently.

  Write about the advantages and disadvantages of each viewpoint?

  Model Answer:

  In the modern workplace there is no longer the attitude that 'a job is for life'. Nowadays, many people take the option to change jobs, while others prefer not to. In my essay, I will explore the good and bad points of the above attitudes.

  One of the main benefits of staying in one job is security. Changing employer often means a period of instability, where one may have to think about moving house, or temporarily losing a steady source of income. Staying in one job means these problems are avoided.

  Another benefit of not changing occupation is that one is able to gain a lot of experience and expertise in his specific profession, thus enhancing job security. One's company may recognize their loyalty and reward their service. On the other hand, those who often change jobs may be seen as unreliable, lacking in experience and employers might be reluctant to hire and invest training in them.

  However, there are arguments in favour of changing job frequently. One is that a worker improves his employability. Working in several different jobs often means that the individual has more skills. Such people are seen as more dynamic and versatile.

  Another benefit of changing jobs frequently is that one never gets stuck in a rut. From my own experience, I got bored when I spent too long in a job. Following this, the quality of my work would suffer. I also believe that employers generally don't tend to greatly reward loyalty or commitment. Increased wages and promotion are often easier to attain by changing jobs.

  Overall, it can be said that the disadvantages of changing jobs are the advantages of staying put, and vice versa... In my opinion, I feel that changing jobs every once in a while is of more benefit.



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