Write a letter on one friend to notify that you have moved to a new apartment.
1.explain the reason.
2.describe the new apartment.
3.invite your friend to visit your new apartment.
Dear John,
I'm just writing to let you know that We moved house.
As you know, I went for an interview for a job here in London. Well, they gave me the position! It would have been impractical to travel down from Manchester every day, so we've found a house here, in a nice part of London called Greenwich.
Our new house isn't ideal. London prices are crazy, and we were only able to afford a one-bedroom flat. But on the bright side, it's on the ground floor, it's got nice big windows, and a lovely view out onto the garden.
If you ever fancy a trip to London, you're more than welcome to come and stay. It would be great to see you. From where we live, it's only a quick ride on the underground into the city centre, so we could do some sight-seeing together.
Keep in touch!
All the best
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