The charts below give information about levels of education in Glasgow, a city in Scotland, in 2010.
The bar chart and pie charts illustrate the percentage of people in Glasgow having three levels of education (university, school and those with no qualifications) in 2010. Information is divided into five age groups in the bar chart and by gender in the pie charts.
Overall, the majority of people with university education were in the younger age groups, while in the oldest age group most people did not have any qualifications. The proportions of men and women were similar and showed little difference between the levels of education.
The percentage of people with university education was up to 76% in the younger three age groups compared to only 50% in those aged 50 to 75 and just 25% in those over 75. This trend was reversed in those with no qualifications (9% in younger people rising to 75% in the oldest age group). The figure for those with school education was relatively constant at around 20% but was as low as 3% in the over 75's.
The proportion of men and women in each level of education was around one third with only a slight difference of 3% in university graduates as well as those who did not have educational qualifications.(202)
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